A route is a rule that specifies how certain packets should be handled by the virtual network. Routes are associated with virtual machine instances by tag, and the set of routes for a particular VM is called its routing table. For each packet leaving a virtual machine, the system searches that machine's routing table for a single best matching route.
New in version 2018.3.0.
This module will create a route to send traffic destined to the Internet through your gateway instance.
- codeauthor
Pratik Bandarkar <[email protected]>
- maturity
- depends
- platform
Create a route to send traffic destined to the Internet through your gateway instance
- credential_filestring
File location of application default credential. For more information, refer:
- project_idstring
Project ID where instance and network resides.
- namestring
name of the route to create
- next_hop_instancestring
the name of an instance that should handle traffic matching this route.
- instance_zonestring
zone where instance("next_hop_instance") resides
- networkstring
Specifies the network to which the route will be applied.
- dest_rangestring
The destination range of outgoing packets that the route will apply to.
- tagslist
(optional) Identifies the set of instances that this route will apply to.
- priorityint
(optional) Specifies the priority of this route relative to other routes. default=1000
CLI Example:
salt 'salt-master.novalocal' gcp.route_create credential_file=/root/secret_key.json project_id=cp100-170315 name=derby-db-route1 next_hop_instance=instance-1 instance_zone=us-central1-a network=default dest_range= tags=['no-ip'] priority=700
In above example, the instances which are having tag "no-ip" will route the packet to instance "instance-1"(if packet is intended to other network)
salt.modules.gcp_addon.route_create(credential_file=None, project_id=None, name=None, dest_range=None, next_hop_instance=None, instance_zone=None, tags=None, network=None, priority=None)
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