Module for controlling Jenkins
- depends
New in version 2016.3.0.
- depends
python-jenkins Python module (not to be confused with jenkins)
- configuration
This module can be used by either passing an api key and version directly or by specifying both in a configuration profile in the salt master/minion config.
For example:
jenkins: api_key: peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15
Initiate a build for the provided job.
- Parameters
name -- The name of the job is check if it exists.
parameters -- Parameters to send to the job.
- Returns
True is successful, otherwise raise an exception.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jenkins.build_job jobname
salt.modules.jenkinsmod.build_job(name=None, parameters=None)
Return the configuration file.
- Parameters
name -- The name of the job is check if it exists.
config_xml -- The configuration file to use to create the job.
saltenv -- The environment to look for the file in.
- Returns
The configuration file used for the job.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jenkins.create_job jobname salt '*' jenkins.create_job jobname config_xml='salt://jenkins/config.xml'
salt.modules.jenkinsmod.create_job(name=None, config_xml=None, saltenv='base')
Return true is job is deleted successfully.
- Parameters
name -- The name of the job to delete.
- Returns
Return true if job is deleted successfully.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jenkins.delete_job jobname
Return true is job is disabled successfully.
- Parameters
name -- The name of the job to disable.
- Returns
Return true if job is disabled successfully.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jenkins.disable_job jobname
Return true is job is enabled successfully.
- Parameters
name -- The name of the job to enable.
- Returns
Return true if job is enabled successfully.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jenkins.enable_job jobname
Return the current job configuration for the provided job.
- Parameters
name -- The name of the job to return the configuration for.
- Returns
The configuration for the job specified.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jenkins.get_job_config jobname
Return information about the Jenkins job.
- Parameters
name -- The name of the job is check if it exists.
- Returns
Information about the Jenkins job.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jenkins.get_job_info jobname
Return the currently configured jobs.
- Returns
The currently configured jobs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jenkins.get_jobs
Return version of Jenkins
- Returns
The version of Jenkins
CLI Example:
salt '*' jenkins.get_version
Check whether the job exists in configured Jenkins jobs.
- Parameters
name -- The name of the job is check if it exists.
- Returns
True if job exists, False if job does not exist.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jenkins.job_exists jobname
Return the current status, enabled or disabled, of the job.
- Parameters
name -- The name of the job to return status for
- Returns
Return true if enabled or false if disabled.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jenkins.job_status jobname
New in version 2016.11.0.
Return if the plugin is installed for the provided plugin name.
- Parameters
name -- The name of the parameter to confirm installation.
- Returns
True if plugin exists, False if plugin does not exist.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jenkins.plugin_installed pluginName
New in version 2017.7.0.
Execute a script on the jenkins master
- Parameters
script -- The script
CLI Example:
salt '*' 'Jenkins.instance.doSafeRestart()'
Return the updated configuration file.
- Parameters
name -- The name of the job is check if it exists.
config_xml -- The configuration file to use to create the job.
saltenv -- The environment to look for the file in.
- Returns
The configuration file used for the job.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jenkins.update_job jobname salt '*' jenkins.update_job jobname config_xml='salt://jenkins/config.xml'
salt.modules.jenkinsmod.update_job(name=None, config_xml=None, saltenv='base')
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