Installing of mac pkg files
Install any kind of pkg, dmg or app file on macOS:
/mnt/test.pkg: macpackage.installed: - store: True /mnt/test.dmg: macpackage.installed: - dmg: True /mnt/xcode.dmg: macpackage.installed: - dmg: True - app: True - target: /Applications/ - version_check: xcodebuild -version=Xcode 7.1\n.*7B91b
Install a Mac OS Package from a pkg or dmg file, if given a dmg file it will first be mounted in a temporary location
- name
The pkg or dmg file to install
- target
The location in which to install the package. This can be a path or LocalSystem
- dmg
Is the given file a dmg file?
- store
Should the pkg be installed as if it was from the Mac OS Store?
- app
Is the file a .app? If so then we'll just copy that to /Applications/ or the given target
- mpkg
Is the file a .mpkg? If so then we'll check all of the .pkg files found are installed
- force
Force the package to be installed even if its already been found installed
- allow_untrusted
Allow the installation of untrusted packages
- version_check
The command and version that we want to check against, the version number can use regex.
version_check: python --version_check=2.7.[0-9]
salt.states.macpackage.installed(name, target='LocalSystem', dmg=False, store=False, app=False, mpkg=False, force=False, allow_untrusted=False, version_check=None)
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