Management of Influxdb retention policies
New in version 2017.7.0.
(compatible with InfluxDB version 0.9+)
Ensure that given retention policy is absent.
- name
Name of the retention policy to remove.
- database
Name of the database that the retention policy was defined on.
salt.states.influxdb_retention_policy.absent(name, database, **client_args)
Convert the a duration string into XXhYYmZZs format
- duration
Duration to convert
- Returns: duration_string
String representation of duration in XXhYYmZZs format
Ensure that given retention policy is present.
- name
Name of the retention policy to create.
- database
Database to create retention policy on.
salt.states.influxdb_retention_policy.present(name, database, duration='7d', replication=1, default=False, **client_args)
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