Manage Parallels Desktop VMs with prlctl
and prlsrvctl
. Only some of the prlctl commands implemented so far. Of those that have been implemented, not all of the options may have been provided yet. For a complete reference, see the Parallels Desktop Reference Guide.
This module requires the prlctl binary to be installed to run most functions. To run parallels.prlsrvctl, the prlsrvctl binary is required.
What has not been implemented yet can be accessed through parallels.prlctl
and parallels.prlsrvctl
(note the preceding double dash --
as necessary):
salt '*' parallels.prlctl installtools macvm runas=macdev salt -- '*' parallels.prlctl capture 'macvm --file macvm.display.png' runas=macdev salt -- '*' parallels.prlsrvctl set '--mem-limit auto' runas=macdev
New in version 2016.3.0.
Clone a VM
New in version 2016.11.0.
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.clone macvm macvm_new runas=macdev salt '*' parallels.clone macvm macvm_templ template=True runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.clone(name, new_name, linked=False, template=False, runas=None)
Delete a VM
New in version 2016.11.0.
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.exec macvm 'find /etc/paths.d' runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.delete(name, runas=None)
Delete a snapshot
Deleting a snapshot from which other snapshots are dervied will not delete the derived snapshots
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.delete_snapshot macvm 'unneeded snapshot' runas=macdev salt '*' parallels.delete_snapshot macvm 'Snapshot for linked clone' all=True runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.delete_snapshot(name, snap_name, runas=None, all=False)
Run a command on a VM
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.exec macvm 'find /etc/paths.d' runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.exec_(name, command, runas=None)
Query whether a VM exists
New in version 2016.11.0.
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.exists macvm runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.exists(name, runas=None)
List the snapshots
- Parameters
name (str) -- Name/ID of VM whose snapshots will be listed
snap_id (str) -- Name/ID of snapshot to display information about. If
is also specified, display the snapshot subtree having this snapshot as the root snapshottree (bool) -- List snapshots in tree format rather than tabular format
names (bool) -- List snapshots as ID, name pairs
runas (str) -- The user that the prlctl command will be run as
salt '*' parallels.list_snapshots macvm runas=macdev salt '*' parallels.list_snapshots macvm tree=True runas=macdev salt '*' parallels.list_snapshots macvm snap_name=original runas=macdev salt '*' parallels.list_snapshots macvm names=True runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.list_snapshots(name, snap_name=None, tree=False, names=False, runas=None)
List information about the VMs
- Parameters
name (str) --
Name/ID of VM to list
Changed in version 2016.11.0: No longer implies
info (str) -- List extra information
all (bool) -- List all non-template VMs
args (tuple) -- Additional arguments given to
prctl list
runas (str) -- The user that the prlctl command will be run as
template (bool) --
List the available virtual machine templates. The real virtual machines will not be included in the output
New in version 2016.11.0.
salt '*' parallels.list_vms runas=macdev salt '*' parallels.list_vms name=macvm info=True runas=macdev salt '*' parallels.list_vms info=True runas=macdev salt '*' parallels.list_vms ' -o uuid,status' all=True runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.list_vms(name=None, info=False, all=False, args=None, runas=None, template=False)
Execute a prlctl command
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.prlctl user list runas=macdev salt '*' parallels.prlctl exec 'macvm uname' runas=macdev salt -- '*' parallels.prlctl capture 'macvm --file macvm.display.png' runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.prlctl(sub_cmd, args=None, runas=None)
Execute a prlsrvctl command
New in version 2016.11.0.
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.prlsrvctl info runas=macdev salt '*' parallels.prlsrvctl usb list runas=macdev salt -- '*' parallels.prlsrvctl set '--mem-limit auto' runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.prlsrvctl(sub_cmd, args=None, runas=None)
Reset a VM by performing a hard shutdown and then a restart
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.reset macvm runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.reset(name, runas=None)
Restart a VM by gracefully shutting it down and then restarting it
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.restart macvm runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.restart(name, runas=None)
Revert a VM to a snapshot
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.revert_snapshot macvm base-with-updates runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.revert_snapshot(name, snap_name, runas=None)
Create a snapshot
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.create_snapshot macvm snap_name=macvm-original runas=macdev salt '*' parallels.create_snapshot macvm snap_name=macvm-updates desc='clean install with updates' runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.snapshot(name, snap_name=None, desc=None, runas=None)
Attempt to convert a snapshot ID to a snapshot name. If the snapshot has no name or if the ID is not found or invalid, an empty string will be returned
- Parameters
Example data
ID: {a5b8999f-5d95-4aff-82de-e515b0101b66} Name: original Date: 2016-03-04 10:50:34 Current: yes State: poweroff Description: original state
CLI Example:
salt '*' parallels.snapshot_id_to_name macvm a5b8999f-5d95-4aff-82de-e515b0101b66 runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.snapshot_id_to_name(name, snap_id, strict=False, runas=None)
Attempt to convert a snapshot name to a snapshot ID. If the name is not found an empty string is returned. If multiple snapshots share the same name, a list will be returned
- Parameters
CLI Example:
salt '*' parallels.snapshot_id_to_name macvm original runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.snapshot_name_to_id(name, snap_name, strict=False, runas=None)
Start a VM
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.start macvm runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.start(name, runas=None)
Status of a VM
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.status macvm runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.status(name, runas=None)
Stop a VM
- Parameters
salt '*' parallels.stop macvm runas=macdev salt '*' parallels.stop macvm kill=True runas=macdev
salt.modules.parallels.stop(name, kill=False, runas=None)
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