Support for the Amazon Simple Queue Service.
Creates a queue with the correct name.
- name
Name of the SQS queue to create
- region
Region to create the SQS queue in
- optsNone
Any additional options to add to the command line
- userNone
Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' aws_sqs.create_queue <sqs queue> <region>
salt.modules.aws_sqs.create_queue(name, region, opts=None, user=None)
Delete one or more messages from a queue in a region
- queue
The name of the queue to delete messages from
- region
Region where SQS queues exists
- receipthandle
The ReceiptHandle of the message to delete. The ReceiptHandle is obtained in the return from receive_message
- optsNone
Any additional options to add to the command line
- userNone
Run as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' aws_sqs.delete_message <sqs queue> <region> receipthandle='<sqs ReceiptHandle>'
New in version 2014.7.0.
salt.modules.aws_sqs.delete_message(queue, region, receipthandle, opts=None, user=None)
Deletes a queue in the region.
- name
Name of the SQS queue to deletes
- region
Name of the region to delete the queue from
- optsNone
Any additional options to add to the command line
- userNone
Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' aws_sqs.delete_queue <sqs queue> <region>
salt.modules.aws_sqs.delete_queue(name, region, opts=None, user=None)
List the queues in the selected region.
- region
Region to list SQS queues for
- optsNone
Any additional options to add to the command line
- userNone
Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' aws_sqs.list_queues <region>
salt.modules.aws_sqs.list_queues(region, opts=None, user=None)
Returns True or False on whether the queue exists in the region
- name
Name of the SQS queue to search for
- region
Name of the region to search for the queue in
- optsNone
Any additional options to add to the command line
- userNone
Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' aws_sqs.queue_exists <sqs queue> <region>
salt.modules.aws_sqs.queue_exists(name, region, opts=None, user=None)
Receive one or more messages from a queue in a region
- queue
The name of the queue to receive messages from
- region
Region where SQS queues exists
- num1
The max number of messages to receive
- optsNone
Any additional options to add to the command line
- userNone
Run as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' aws_sqs.receive_message <sqs queue> <region> salt '*' aws_sqs.receive_message <sqs queue> <region> num=10
New in version 2014.7.0.
salt.modules.aws_sqs.receive_message(queue, region, num=1, opts=None, user=None)
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