
Connection module for Telemetry

New in version 2016.3.0.


This module accepts explicit telemetry credentials or can also read api key credentials from a pillar. More Information available here.

In the minion's config file:

  - abc123  # Key 1
  - efg321  # Backup Key 1


salt.modules.telemetry.create_alarm(deployment_id, metric_name, data, api_key=None, profile='telemetry')

create an telemetry alarms.

data is a dict of alert configuration data.

Returns (bool success, str message) tuple.

CLI Example:

salt myminion telemetry.create_alarm rs-ds033197 {} profile=telemetry

salt.modules.telemetry.delete_alarms(deployment_id, alert_id=None, metric_name=None, api_key=None, profile='telemetry')

delete an alert specified by alert_id or if not specified blows away all the alerts

in the current deployment.

Returns (bool success, str message) tuple.

CLI Example:

salt myminion telemetry.delete_alarms rs-ds033197 profile=telemetry

salt.modules.telemetry.get_alarms(deployment_id, profile='telemetry')

get all the alarms set up against the current deployment

Returns dictionary of alarm information

CLI Example:

salt myminion telemetry.get_alarms rs-ds033197 profile=telemetry

salt.modules.telemetry.get_alert_config(deployment_id, metric_name=None, api_key=None, profile='telemetry')

Get all alert definitions associated with a given deployment or if metric_name is specified, obtain the specific alert config

Returns dictionary or list of dictionaries.

CLI Example:

salt myminion telemetry.get_alert_config rs-ds033197 currentConnections profile=telemetry
salt myminion telemetry.get_alert_config rs-ds033197 profile=telemetry

salt.modules.telemetry.get_notification_channel_id(notify_channel, profile='telemetry')

Given an email address, creates a notification-channels if one is not found and also returns the corresponding notification channel id.


Email escalation policy


A dict of telemetry config information.

CLI Example:

salt myminion telemetry.get_notification_channel_id [email protected] profile=telemetry

salt.modules.telemetry.update_alarm(deployment_id, metric_name, data, api_key=None, profile='telemetry')

update an telemetry alarms. data is a dict of alert configuration data.

Returns (bool success, str message) tuple.

CLI Example:

salt myminion telemetry.update_alarm rs-ds033197 {} profile=telemetry

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