GNOME implementations
Get key in a particular GNOME schema
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.get user=<username> schema=org.gnome.desktop.screensaver key=idle-activation-enabled
salt.modules.gnomedesktop.get(schema=None, key=None, user=None, **kwargs)
Return the current clock format, either 12h or 24h format.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.getClockFormat user=<username>
Return the current setting, if the date is shown in the clock
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.getClockShowDate user=<username>
Get whether the idle activation is enabled
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.getIdleActivation user=<username>
Return the current idle delay setting in seconds
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.getIdleDelay user=<username>
A test to ensure the GNOME module is loaded
CLI Example:
salt '*' user=<username>**kwargs)
Set the clock format, either 12h or 24h format.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.setClockFormat <12h|24h> user=<username>
salt.modules.gnomedesktop.setClockFormat(clockFormat, **kwargs)
Set whether the date is visible in the clock
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.setClockShowDate <True|False> user=<username>
salt.modules.gnomedesktop.setClockShowDate(kvalue, **kwargs)
Set whether the idle activation is enabled
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.setIdleActivation <True|False> user=<username>
salt.modules.gnomedesktop.setIdleActivation(kvalue, **kwargs)
Set the current idle delay setting in seconds
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.setIdleDelay <seconds> user=<username>
salt.modules.gnomedesktop.setIdleDelay(delaySeconds, **kwargs)
Set key in a particular GNOME schema
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.set user=<username> schema=org.gnome.desktop.screensaver key=idle-activation-enabled value=False
salt.modules.gnomedesktop.set_(schema=None, key=None, user=None, value=None, **kwargs)
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