
Module for managing Windows Users


If you feel that Salt should be using this module to manage users on a minion, and it is using a different module (or gives an error similar to '' is not available), see here.

  • pywintypes

  • win32api

  • win32con

  • win32net

  • win32netcon

  • win32profile

  • win32security

  • win32ts

  • wmi


This currently only works with local user accounts, not domain accounts

salt.modules.win_useradd.add(name, password=None, fullname=None, description=None, groups=None, home=None, homedrive=None, profile=None, logonscript=None)

Add a user to the minion.

  • name (str) -- User name

  • password (str, optional) -- User's password in plain text.

  • fullname (str, optional) -- The user's full name.

  • description (str, optional) -- A brief description of the user account.

  • groups (str, optional) -- A list of groups to add the user to. (see chgroups)

  • home (str, optional) -- The path to the user's home directory.

  • homedrive (str, optional) -- The drive letter to assign to the home directory. Must be the Drive Letter followed by a colon. ie: U:

  • profile (str, optional) -- An explicit path to a profile. Can be a UNC or a folder on the system. If left blank, windows uses its default profile directory.

  • logonscript (str, optional) -- Path to a login script to run when the user logs on.


True if successful. False is unsuccessful.

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.add name password

salt.modules.win_useradd.addgroup(name, group)

Add user to a group

  • name (str) -- The user name to add to the group

  • group (str) -- The name of the group to which to add the user


True if successful, otherwise False

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.addgroup jsnuffy 'Power Users'

salt.modules.win_useradd.chfullname(name, fullname)

Change the full name of the user

  • name (str) -- The user name for which to change the full name

  • fullname (str) -- The new value for the full name


True if successful, otherwise False

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.chfullname user 'First Last'

salt.modules.win_useradd.chgroups(name, groups, append=True)

Change the groups this user belongs to, add append=False to make the user a member of only the specified groups

  • name (str) -- The user name for which to change groups

  • groups (str, list) -- A single group or a list of groups to assign to the user. For multiple groups this can be a comma delimited string or a list.

  • append (bool, optional) -- True adds the passed groups to the user's current groups. False sets the user's groups to the passed groups only. Default is True.


True if successful, otherwise False

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.chgroups jsnuffy Administrators,Users True

salt.modules.win_useradd.chhome(name, home, **kwargs)

Change the home directory of the user, pass True for persist to move files to the new home directory if the old home directory exist.

  • name (str) -- The name of the user whose home directory you wish to change

  • home (str) -- The new location of the home directory


True if successful, otherwise False

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.chhome foo \\fileserver\home\foo True

salt.modules.win_useradd.chprofile(name, profile)

Change the profile directory of the user

  • name (str) -- The name of the user whose profile you wish to change

  • profile (str) -- The new location of the profile


True if successful, otherwise False

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.chprofile foo \\fileserver\profiles\foo


Get the username that salt-minion is running under. If salt-minion is running as a service it should return the Local System account. If salt is running from a command prompt it should return the username that started the command prompt.

New in version 2015.5.6.


sam (bool, optional) -- False returns just the username without any domain notation. True returns the domain with the username in the SAM format. Ie: domain\username


Returns username

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.current

salt.modules.win_useradd.delete(name, purge=False, force=False)

Remove a user from the minion

  • name (str) -- The name of the user to delete

  • purge (bool, optional) -- Boolean value indicating that the user profile should also be removed when the user account is deleted. If set to True the profile will be removed. Default is False.

  • force (bool, optional) -- Boolean value indicating that the user account should be deleted even if the user is logged in. True will log the user out and delete user.


True if successful, otherwise False

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.delete name


Get the Security ID for the user


username (str) -- The user name for which to look up the SID


The user SID

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.getUserSid jsnuffy


Return the list of all info for all users


refresh (bool, optional) -- Refresh the cached user information. Useful when used from within a state function. Default is False.


A dictionary containing information about all users on the system

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.getent

Return user information


name (str) -- Username for which to display information

A dictionary containing user information
  • fullname

  • username

  • SID

  • passwd (will always return None)

  • comment (same as description, left here for backwards compatibility)

  • description

  • active

  • logonscript

  • profile

  • home

  • homedrive

  • groups

  • password_changed

  • successful_logon_attempts

  • failed_logon_attempts

  • last_logon

  • account_disabled

  • account_locked

  • password_never_expires

  • disallow_change_password

  • gid

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' jsnuffy


Return a list of groups the named user belongs to


name (str) -- The user name for which to list groups


A list of groups to which the user belongs

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.list_groups foo


Return a list of all users on Windows


A list of all users on the system

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.list_users

salt.modules.win_useradd.removegroup(name, group)

Remove user from a group

  • name (str) -- The user name to remove from the group

  • group (str) -- The name of the group from which to remove the user


True if successful, otherwise False

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.removegroup jsnuffy 'Power Users'

salt.modules.win_useradd.rename(name, new_name)

Change the username for a named user

  • name (str) -- The user name to change

  • new_name (str) -- The new name for the current user


True if successful, otherwise False

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.rename jsnuffy jshmoe

salt.modules.win_useradd.setpassword(name, password)

Set the user's password

  • name (str) -- The user name for which to set the password

  • password (str) -- The new password


True if successful, otherwise False

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.setpassword jsnuffy sup3rs3cr3t

salt.modules.win_useradd.update(name, password=None, fullname=None, description=None, home=None, homedrive=None, logonscript=None, profile=None, expiration_date=None, expired=None, account_disabled=None, unlock_account=None, password_never_expires=None, disallow_change_password=None)

Updates settings for the windows user. Name is the only required parameter. Settings will only be changed if the parameter is passed a value.

New in version 2015.8.0.

  • name (str) -- The user name to update.

  • password (str, optional) -- New user password in plain text.

  • fullname (str, optional) -- The user's full name.

  • description (str, optional) -- A brief description of the user account.

  • home (str, optional) -- The path to the user's home directory.

  • homedrive (str, optional) -- The drive letter to assign to the home directory. Must be the Drive Letter followed by a colon. ie: U:

  • logonscript (str, optional) -- The path to the logon script.

  • profile (str, optional) -- The path to the user's profile directory.

  • expiration_date (date, optional) -- The date and time when the account expires. Can be a valid date/time string. To set to never expire pass the string 'Never'.

  • expired (bool, optional) -- Pass True to expire the account. The user will be prompted to change their password at the next logon. Pass False to mark the account as 'not expired'. You can't use this to negate the expiration if the expiration was caused by the account expiring. You'll have to change the expiration_date as well.

  • account_disabled (bool, optional) -- True disables the account. False enables the account.

  • unlock_account (bool, optional) -- True unlocks a locked user account. False is ignored.

  • password_never_expires (bool, optional) -- True sets the password to never expire. False allows the password to expire.

  • disallow_change_password (bool, optional) -- True blocks the user from changing the password. False allows the user to change the password.


True if successful. False is unsuccessful.

Return type


CLI Example:

salt '*' user.update bob password=secret profile=C:\Users\Bob
         home=\server\homeshareob homedrive=U:

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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.