QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel Class

List model for selection lists. More...

Header: #include <QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel>
qmake: QT += virtualkeyboard
Instantiated By: SelectionListModel
Inherits: QAbstractListModel

Public Types

enum class DictionaryType { Default, User }
enum class Role { Display, DisplayRole, WordCompletionLength, WordCompletionLengthRole, Dictionary, CanRemoveSuggestion }
enum class Type { WordCandidateList }

Public Functions

void removeItem(int index)
void selectItem(int index)


void activeItemChanged(int index)
void itemSelected(int index)

Detailed Description

This class acts as a bridge between the UI and the input method that provides the data for selection lists.

Member Type Documentation

enum class QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::DictionaryType

This enum specifies the dictionary type of a word.

Constant Value Description
QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::DictionaryType::Default 0 The word candidate is from the default dictionary.
QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::DictionaryType::User 1 The word candidate is from the user dictionary.

enum class QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::Role

This enum specifies a role of the data requested.

Constant Value Description
QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::Role::Display Qt::DisplayRole The data to be rendered in form of text.
QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::Role::DisplayRole Display obsolete Use Role::Display.
QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::Role::WordCompletionLength Qt::UserRole + 1 An integer specifying the length of the word the completion part expressed as the number of characters counted from the end of the string.
QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::Role::WordCompletionLengthRole WordCompletionLength obsolete Use Role::WordCompletionLength.
QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::Role::Dictionary 258 An integer specifying l {QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::DictionaryType}{dictionary type}.
QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::Role::CanRemoveSuggestion 259 A boolean value indicating if the word candidate can be removed from the dictionary.

enum class QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::Type

This enum specifies the type of selection list.

Constant Value Description
QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::Type::WordCandidateList 0 Shows list of word candidates.

Member Function Documentation

[signal] void QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::activeItemChanged(int index)

This signal is emitted when the active item in the list changes. The UI should react to this signal by highlighting the item at index in the list.

[signal] void QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::itemSelected(int index)

This signal is emitted when an item at index is selected by the user.

void QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::removeItem(int index)

This method should be called when the user removes an item at position index from the list. The removal is forwarded to the input method for further processing.

Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

void QVirtualKeyboardSelectionListModel::selectItem(int index)

This method should be called when the user selects an item at position index from the list. The selection is forwarded to the input method for further processing.

Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

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