Qt3DCore Namespace

Contains classes that are the foundation for Qt 3D simulation framework, as well as classes that provide the ability to render using the Qt 3D framework. More...

Header: #include <Qt3DCore>
qmake: QT += 3dcore


namespace Quick


class QAbstractAspect
class QAbstractSkeleton
class QArmature
class QAspectEngine
class QAspectJob
class QBackendNode
class QBackendNodeMapper
class QComponent
class QComponentAddedChange
class QComponentRemovedChange
class QDynamicPropertyUpdatedChange
class QEntity
class QJoint
class QNode
class QNodeCommand
class QNodeCreatedChange
class QNodeCreatedChangeBase
class QNodeDestroyedChange
class QNodeId
class QPropertyNodeAddedChange
class QPropertyNodeRemovedChange
class QPropertyUpdatedChange
class QPropertyUpdatedChangeBase
class QPropertyValueAddedChange
class QPropertyValueAddedChangeBase
class QPropertyValueRemovedChange
class QPropertyValueRemovedChangeBase
class QSceneChange
class QSkeleton
class QSkeletonLoader
class QStaticPropertyUpdatedChangeBase
class QStaticPropertyValueAddedChangeBase
class QStaticPropertyValueRemovedChangeBase
class QTransform


flags ChangeFlags
typedef QAspectJobPtr
typedef QBackendNodeMapperPtr
typedef QComponentAddedChangePtr
typedef QComponentRemovedChangePtr
typedef QComponentVector
typedef QDynamicPropertyUpdatedChangePtr
typedef QEntityPtr
typedef QNodeCommandPtr
typedef QNodeCreatedChangeBasePtr
typedef QNodeDestroyedChangePtr
typedef QNodeIdVector
typedef QNodePtr
typedef QNodeVector
typedef QPropertyNodeAddedChangePtr
typedef QPropertyNodeRemovedChangePtr
typedef QPropertyUpdatedChangeBasePtr
typedef QPropertyUpdatedChangePtr
typedef QPropertyValueAddedChangeBasePtr
typedef QPropertyValueAddedChangePtr
typedef QPropertyValueRemovedChangeBasePtr
typedef QPropertyValueRemovedChangePtr
typedef QSceneChangePtr
typedef QStaticPropertyUpdatedChangeBasePtr


uint qHash(Qt3DCore::QNodeId id, uint seed = 0)
Qt3DCore::QNodeId qIdForNode(Qt3DCore::QNode *node)
Qt3DCore::QNodeIdVector qIdsForNodes(const T &nodes)
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, Qt3DCore::QNodeId id)

Detailed Description


namespace Qt3DCore::Quick


class QAbstractAspect

QAbstractAspect is the base class for aspects that provide a vertical slice of behavior. More...

class QAbstractSkeleton

A skeleton contains the joints for a skinned mesh. More...

class QArmature

Used to calculate skinning transform matrices and set them on shaders. More...

class QAspectEngine

Responsible for handling all the QAbstractAspect subclasses that have been registered with the scene. More...

class QAspectJob

The base class for jobs executed in an aspect. More...

class QBackendNode

The base class for all Qt3D backend nodes. More...

class QBackendNodeMapper

Creates and maps backend nodes to their respective frontend nodes. More...

class QComponent

The base class of scene nodes that can be aggregated by Qt3DCore::QEntity instances as a component. More...

class QComponentAddedChange

The QComponentAddedChange class is used to notify when a component is added to an entity. More...

class QComponentRemovedChange

The QComponentRemovedChange class is used to notify when a component is removed from an entity. More...

class QDynamicPropertyUpdatedChange

The QDynamicPropertyUpdatedChange class is used to notify when a dynamic property value is updated. More...

class QEntity

Qt3DCore::QEntity is a Qt3DCore::QNode subclass that can aggregate several Qt3DCore::QComponent instances that will specify its behavior. More...

class QJoint

Used to transforms parts of skinned meshes. More...

class QNode

QNode is the base class of all Qt3D node classes used to build a Qt3D scene. More...

class QNodeCommand

The QNodeCommand class is the base class for all CommandRequested QSceneChange events. More...

class QNodeCreatedChange

Used to notify when a node is created. More...

class QNodeCreatedChangeBase

The QNodeCreatedChangeBase class is the base class for all NodeCreated QSceneChange events. More...

class QNodeDestroyedChange

Used to notify when a node is destroyed. More...

class QNodeId

Uniquely identifies a QNode. More...

class QPropertyNodeAddedChange

Used to notify when a node is added to a property. More...

class QPropertyNodeRemovedChange

The QPropertyNodeRemovedChange class is used to notify when a node is removed from a property. More...

class QPropertyUpdatedChange

The QPropertyUpdatedChange class is used to notify when a property value is updated. More...

class QPropertyUpdatedChangeBase

The QPropertyUpdatedChangeBase class is the base class for all PropertyUpdated QSceneChange events. More...

class QPropertyValueAddedChange

Used to notify when a value is added to a property. More...

class QPropertyValueAddedChangeBase

The QPropertyValueAddedChangeBase class is the base class for all PropertyValueAdded QSceneChange events. More...

class QPropertyValueRemovedChange

Used to notify when a value is added to a property. More...

class QPropertyValueRemovedChangeBase

The QPropertyValueRemovedChangeBase class is the base class for all PropertyValueRemoved QSceneChange events. More...

class QSceneChange

The base class for changes that can be sent and received by Qt3D's change notification system. More...

class QSkeleton

Holds the data for a skeleton to be used with skinned meshes. More...

class QSkeletonLoader

Used to load a skeleton of joints from file. More...

class QStaticPropertyUpdatedChangeBase

The QStaticPropertyUpdatedChangeBase class is the base class for all static PropertyUpdated QSceneChange events. More...

class QStaticPropertyValueAddedChangeBase

The QStaticPropertyValueAddedChangeBase class is the base class for all static PropertyValueAdded QSceneChange events. More...

class QStaticPropertyValueRemovedChangeBase

The QStaticPropertyValueRemovedChangeBase class is the base class for all static PropertyValueRemoved QSceneChange events. More...

class QTransform

Used to perform transforms on meshes. More...

Type Documentation

typedef QAspectJobPtr

A shared pointer for QAspectJob.

typedef QBackendNodeMapperPtr

A shared pointer for QBackendNodeMapper.

typedef QComponentAddedChangePtr

A shared pointer for QComponentAddedChange.

typedef QComponentRemovedChangePtr

A shared pointer for QComponentRemovedChange.

typedef QComponentVector

List of QComponent pointers.

typedef QDynamicPropertyUpdatedChangePtr

A shared pointer for QDynamicPropertyUpdatedChange.

typedef QEntityPtr

A shared pointer for QEntity.

typedef QNodeCommandPtr

A shared pointer for QNodeCommand.

typedef QNodeCreatedChangeBasePtr

A shared pointer for QNodeCreatedChangeBase.

typedef QNodeDestroyedChangePtr

A shared pointer for QNodeDestroyedChange.

typedef QNodeIdVector

A vector of QNodeIds.

typedef QNodePtr

A shared pointer for QNode.

typedef QNodeVector

List of QNode pointers.

typedef QPropertyNodeAddedChangePtr

A shared pointer for QPropertyNodeAddedChange.

typedef QPropertyNodeRemovedChangePtr

A shared pointer for QPropertyNodeRemovedChange.

typedef QPropertyUpdatedChangeBasePtr

A shared pointer for QPropertyUpdatedChangeBase.

typedef QPropertyUpdatedChangePtr

A shared pointer for QPropertyUpdatedChange.

typedef QPropertyValueAddedChangeBasePtr

A shared pointer for QPropertyValueAddedChangeBase.

typedef QPropertyValueAddedChangePtr

A shared pointer for QPropertyValueAddedChange.

typedef QPropertyValueRemovedChangeBasePtr

A shared pointer for QPropertyValueRemovedChangeBase.

typedef QPropertyValueRemovedChangePtr

A shared pointer for QPropertyValueRemovedChange.

typedef QSceneChangePtr

A shared pointer for QSceneChange.

typedef QStaticPropertyUpdatedChangeBasePtr

A shared pointer for QStaticPropertyUpdatedChangeBase.

Function Documentation

uint qHash(Qt3DCore::QNodeId id, uint seed = 0)

Returns hash of node with id and optional seed.

Qt3DCore::QNodeId qIdForNode(Qt3DCore::QNode *node)

Returns node id for node.

template <typename T> Qt3DCore::QNodeIdVector qIdsForNodes(const T &nodes)

Returns vector of node ids for nodes.

QDebug Qt3DCore::operator<<(QDebug d, Qt3DCore::QNodeId id)

<< with d and id. Returns QDebug.

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Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3.