QMediaAudioProbeControl Class

The QMediaAudioProbeControl class allows control over probing audio data in media objects. More...

Header: #include <QMediaAudioProbeControl>
qmake: QT += multimedia
Inherits: QMediaControl

This class is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

Public Functions

virtual ~QMediaAudioProbeControl()


void audioBufferProbed(const QAudioBuffer &buffer)
void flush()

Protected Functions

QMediaAudioProbeControl(QObject *parent = nullptr)



Detailed Description

QAudioProbe is the client facing class for probing audio - this class is implemented by media backends to provide this functionality.

The interface name of QMediaAudioProbeControl is org.qt-project.qt.mediaaudioprobecontrol/5.0 as defined in QMediaAudioProbeControl_iid.

See also QAudioProbe, QMediaService::requestControl(), QMediaPlayer, and QCamera.

Member Function Documentation

[protected] QMediaAudioProbeControl::QMediaAudioProbeControl(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Create a new media audio probe control object with the given parent.

[signal] void QMediaAudioProbeControl::audioBufferProbed(const QAudioBuffer &buffer)

This signal should be emitted when an audio buffer is processed in the media service.

[signal] void QMediaAudioProbeControl::flush()

This signal should be emitted when it is required to release all frames.

[virtual] QMediaAudioProbeControl::~QMediaAudioProbeControl()

Destroys this audio probe control

Macro Documentation



Defines the interface name of the QMediaAudioProbeControl class.

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