QGeoServiceProviderFactory Class

The QGeoServiceProviderFactory class is a factory class used as the plugin interface for services related to geographical information. More...

Header: #include <QGeoServiceProviderFactory>
qmake: QT += location
Since: Qt 5.6
Inherited By:


This class is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

This class was introduced in Qt 5.6.

Public Functions

virtual ~QGeoServiceProviderFactory()
virtual QGeoCodingManagerEngine * createGeocodingManagerEngine(const QVariantMap &parameters, QGeoServiceProvider::Error *error, QString *errorString) const
virtual QPlaceManagerEngine * createPlaceManagerEngine(const QVariantMap &parameters, QGeoServiceProvider::Error *error, QString *errorString) const
virtual QGeoRoutingManagerEngine * createRoutingManagerEngine(const QVariantMap &parameters, QGeoServiceProvider::Error *error, QString *errorString) const

Detailed Description

Implementers must provide a unique combination of providerName() and providerVersion() per plugin.

The other functions should be overridden if the plugin supports the associated set of functionality.

See also QGeoServiceProviderFactoryV2.

Member Function Documentation

[virtual] QGeoServiceProviderFactory::~QGeoServiceProviderFactory()

Destroys this QGeoServiceProviderFactory instance.

[virtual] QGeoCodingManagerEngine *QGeoServiceProviderFactory::createGeocodingManagerEngine(const QVariantMap &parameters, QGeoServiceProvider::Error *error, QString *errorString) const

Returns a new QGeoCodingManagerEngine instance, initialized with parameters, which implements the location geocoding functionality.

If error is not 0 it should be set to QGeoServiceProvider::NoError on success or an appropriate QGeoServiceProvider::Error on failure.

If errorString is not 0 it should be set to a string describing any error which occurred.

The default implementation returns 0, which causes a QGeoServiceProvider::NotSupportedError in QGeoServiceProvider.

[virtual] QPlaceManagerEngine *QGeoServiceProviderFactory::createPlaceManagerEngine(const QVariantMap &parameters, QGeoServiceProvider::Error *error, QString *errorString) const

Returns a new QPlaceManagerEngine instance, initialized with parameters, which implements the place searching functionality.

If error is not 0 it should be set to QGeoServiceProvider::NoError on success or an appropriate QGeoServiceProvider::Error on failure.

If errorString is not 0 it should be set to a string describing any error which occurred.

The default implementation returns 0, which causes a QGeoServiceProvider::NotSupportedError in QGeoServiceProvider.

[virtual] QGeoRoutingManagerEngine *QGeoServiceProviderFactory::createRoutingManagerEngine(const QVariantMap &parameters, QGeoServiceProvider::Error *error, QString *errorString) const

Returns a new QGeoRoutingManagerEngine instance, initialized with parameters, which implements routing functionality.

If error is not 0 it should be set to QGeoServiceProvider::NoError on success or an appropriate QGeoServiceProvider::Error on failure.

If errorString is not 0 it should be set to a string describing any error which occurred.

The default implementation returns 0, which causes a QGeoServiceProvider::NotSupportedError in QGeoServiceProvider.

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