QRadioDataControl Class

The QRadioDataControl class provides access to the RDS functionality of the radio in the QMediaService. More...

Header: #include <QRadioDataControl>
qmake: QT += multimedia
Inherits: QMediaControl

This class is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

Public Functions

virtual ~QRadioDataControl()
virtual QRadioData::Error error() const = 0
virtual QString errorString() const = 0
virtual bool isAlternativeFrequenciesEnabled() const = 0
virtual QRadioData::ProgramType programType() const = 0
virtual QString programTypeName() const = 0
virtual QString radioText() const = 0
virtual void setAlternativeFrequenciesEnabled(bool enabled) = 0
virtual QString stationId() const = 0
virtual QString stationName() const = 0


void alternativeFrequenciesEnabledChanged(bool enabled)
void error(QRadioData::Error error)
void programTypeChanged(QRadioData::ProgramType programType)
void programTypeNameChanged(QString programTypeName)
void radioTextChanged(QString radioText)
void stationIdChanged(QString stationId)
void stationNameChanged(QString stationName)

Protected Functions

QRadioDataControl(QObject *parent = nullptr)



Detailed Description

The functionality provided by this control is exposed to application code through the QRadioData class.

The interface name of QRadioDataControl is org.qt-project.qt.radiodatacontrol/5.0 as defined in QRadioDataControl_iid.

See also QMediaService::requestControl() and QRadioData.

Member Function Documentation

[protected] QRadioDataControl::QRadioDataControl(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a radio data control with the given parent.

[signal] void QRadioDataControl::alternativeFrequenciesEnabledChanged(bool enabled)

Signals that the alternative frequencies setting has changed to the value of enabled.

[signal] void QRadioDataControl::error(QRadioData::Error error)

Signals that an error has occurred.

Note: Signal error is overloaded in this class. To connect to this signal by using the function pointer syntax, Qt provides a convenient helper for obtaining the function pointer as shown in this example:

connect(radioDataControl, QOverload<QRadioData::Error>::of(&QRadioDataControl::error),
    [=](QRadioData::Error error){ /* ... */ });

[signal] void QRadioDataControl::programTypeChanged(QRadioData::ProgramType programType)

Signals that the Program Type programType has changed

[signal] void QRadioDataControl::programTypeNameChanged(QString programTypeName)

Signals that the Program Type Name programTypeName has changed

[signal] void QRadioDataControl::radioTextChanged(QString radioText)

Signals that the Radio Text radioText has changed

[signal] void QRadioDataControl::stationIdChanged(QString stationId)

Signals that the Program Identification stationId has changed

[signal] void QRadioDataControl::stationNameChanged(QString stationName)

Signals that the Program Service stationName has changed

[virtual] QRadioDataControl::~QRadioDataControl()

Destroys a radio data control.

[pure virtual] QRadioData::Error QRadioDataControl::error() const

Returns the error state of a radio data.

[pure virtual] QString QRadioDataControl::errorString() const

Returns a string describing a radio data's error state.

[pure virtual] bool QRadioDataControl::isAlternativeFrequenciesEnabled() const

Returns true if Alternative Frequency is currently enabled

[pure virtual] QRadioData::ProgramType QRadioDataControl::programType() const

Returns the current Program Type

[pure virtual] QString QRadioDataControl::programTypeName() const

Returns the current Program Type Name

[pure virtual] QString QRadioDataControl::radioText() const

Returns the current Radio Text

[pure virtual] void QRadioDataControl::setAlternativeFrequenciesEnabled(bool enabled)

Sets the Alternative Frequency to enabled

See also isAlternativeFrequenciesEnabled().

[pure virtual] QString QRadioDataControl::stationId() const

Returns the current Program Identification

[pure virtual] QString QRadioDataControl::stationName() const

Returns the current Program Service

Macro Documentation



Defines the interface name of the QRadioDataControl class.

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Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3.