Qt Location Items Overlay Plugin
This geo services plugin is a special plugin providing only an empty map. This plugin provides no services, and is intended to be used in those cases where a Map element should only show the added map items.
The Items Overlay geo services plugin can be loaded by using the plugin key "itemsoverlay".
Example usage
The following snippet shows how a Map using this plugin can be added as an overlay to display anti-aliased map items. Note that for such an overlay Map to be transparent, it is also necessary to set its color to a transparent one, such as transparent, like in the example.
Window { id: win visible: true width: 640 height: 640 Map { id: mapBase gesture.enabled: true anchors.fill: parent plugin: Plugin { name: "osm" } center: QtPositioning.coordinate(45,10) zoomLevel: 4 z: parent.z + 1 } Map { id: mapOverlay anchors.fill: parent plugin: Plugin { name: "itemsoverlay" } gesture.enabled: false center: mapBase.center color: 'transparent' // Necessary to make this map transparent minimumFieldOfView: mapBase.minimumFieldOfView maximumFieldOfView: mapBase.maximumFieldOfView minimumTilt: mapBase.minimumTilt maximumTilt: mapBase.maximumTilt minimumZoomLevel: mapBase.minimumZoomLevel maximumZoomLevel: mapBase.maximumZoomLevel zoomLevel: mapBase.zoomLevel tilt: mapBase.tilt; bearing: mapBase.bearing fieldOfView: mapBase.fieldOfView z: mapBase.z + 1 MapCircle { id: circle center: QtPositioning.coordinate(44, 10) radius: 200000 border.width: 5 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent drag.target: parent } } // The code below enables SSAA layer.enabled: true layer.smooth: true property int w : mapOverlay.width property int h : mapOverlay.height property int pr: Screen.devicePixelRatio layer.textureSize: Qt.size(w * 2 * pr, h * 2 * pr) } }
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