QAudioRoleControl Class

The QAudioRoleControl class provides control over the audio role of a media object. More...

Header: #include <QAudioRoleControl>
qmake: QT += multimedia
Since: Qt 5.6
Inherits: QMediaControl

This class is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

This class was introduced in Qt 5.6.

Public Functions

virtual ~QAudioRoleControl()
virtual QAudio::Role audioRole() const = 0
virtual void setAudioRole(QAudio::Role role) = 0
virtual QList<QAudio::Role> supportedAudioRoles() const = 0


void audioRoleChanged(QAudio::Role role)

Protected Functions

QAudioRoleControl(QObject *parent = nullptr)



Detailed Description

If a QMediaService supports audio roles it will implement QAudioRoleControl.

The functionality provided by this control is exposed to application code through the QMediaPlayer class.

The interface name of QAudioRoleControl is org.qt-project.qt.audiorolecontrol/5.6 as defined in QAudioRoleControl_iid.

See also QMediaService::requestControl() and QMediaPlayer.

Member Function Documentation

[protected] QAudioRoleControl::QAudioRoleControl(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Construct a QAudioRoleControl with the given parent.

[signal] void QAudioRoleControl::audioRoleChanged(QAudio::Role role)

Signal emitted when the audio role has changed.

[virtual] QAudioRoleControl::~QAudioRoleControl()

Destroys the audio role control.

[pure virtual] QAudio::Role QAudioRoleControl::audioRole() const

Returns the audio role of the media played by the media service.

See also setAudioRole().

[pure virtual] void QAudioRoleControl::setAudioRole(QAudio::Role role)

Sets the audio role of the media played by the media service.

See also audioRole().

[pure virtual] QList<QAudio::Role> QAudioRoleControl::supportedAudioRoles() const

Returns a list of audio roles that the media service supports.

Macro Documentation



Defines the interface name of the QAudioRoleControl class.

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