QVideoWidgetControl Class

The QVideoWidgetControl class provides a media control which implements a video widget. More...

Header: #include <QVideoWidgetControl>
qmake: QT += multimediawidgets
Inherits: QMediaControl

Public Functions

virtual ~QVideoWidgetControl()
virtual Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode() const = 0
virtual int brightness() const = 0
virtual int contrast() const = 0
virtual int hue() const = 0
virtual bool isFullScreen() const = 0
virtual int saturation() const = 0
virtual void setAspectRatioMode(Qt::AspectRatioMode mode) = 0
virtual void setBrightness(int brightness) = 0
virtual void setContrast(int contrast) = 0
virtual void setFullScreen(bool fullScreen) = 0
virtual void setHue(int hue) = 0
virtual void setSaturation(int saturation) = 0
virtual QWidget * videoWidget() = 0


void brightnessChanged(int brightness)
void contrastChanged(int contrast)
void fullScreenChanged(bool fullScreen)
void hueChanged(int hue)
void saturationChanged(int saturation)

Protected Functions

QVideoWidgetControl(QObject *parent = nullptr)



Detailed Description

The videoWidget() property of QVideoWidgetControl provides a pointer to a video widget implemented by the control's media service. This widget is owned by the media service and so care should be taken not to delete it.

QVideoWidgetControl *widgetControl = mediaService->requestControl<QVideoWidgetControl *>();

QVideoWidgetControl is one of number of possible video output controls.

The interface name of QVideoWidgetControl is org.qt-project.qt.videowidgetcontrol/5.0 as defined in QVideoWidgetControl_iid.

See also QMediaService::requestControl() and QVideoWidget.

Member Function Documentation

[protected] QVideoWidgetControl::QVideoWidgetControl(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new video widget control with the given parent.

[signal] void QVideoWidgetControl::brightnessChanged(int brightness)

Signals that a video widget's brightness adjustment has changed.

[signal] void QVideoWidgetControl::contrastChanged(int contrast)

Signals that a video widget's contrast adjustment has changed.

[signal] void QVideoWidgetControl::fullScreenChanged(bool fullScreen)

Signals that the fullScreen state of a video widget has changed.

[signal] void QVideoWidgetControl::hueChanged(int hue)

Signals that a video widget's hue adjustment has changed.

[signal] void QVideoWidgetControl::saturationChanged(int saturation)

Signals that a video widget's saturation adjustment has changed.

[virtual] QVideoWidgetControl::~QVideoWidgetControl()

Destroys a video widget control.

[pure virtual] Qt::AspectRatioMode QVideoWidgetControl::aspectRatioMode() const

Returns how video is scaled to fit the widget with respect to its aspect ratio.

See also setAspectRatioMode().

[pure virtual] int QVideoWidgetControl::brightness() const

Returns the brightness adjustment applied to a video.

Valid brightness values range between -100 and 100, the default is 0.

See also setBrightness().

[pure virtual] int QVideoWidgetControl::contrast() const

Returns the contrast adjustment applied to a video.

Valid contrast values range between -100 and 100, the default is 0.

See also setContrast().

[pure virtual] int QVideoWidgetControl::hue() const

Returns the hue adjustment applied to a video widget.

Value hue values range between -100 and 100, the default is 0.

See also setHue().

[pure virtual] bool QVideoWidgetControl::isFullScreen() const

Returns true if the video is shown using the complete screen.

[pure virtual] int QVideoWidgetControl::saturation() const

Returns the saturation adjustment applied to a video widget.

Value saturation values range between -100 and 100, the default is 0.

See also setSaturation().

[pure virtual] void QVideoWidgetControl::setAspectRatioMode(Qt::AspectRatioMode mode)

Sets the aspect ratio mode which determines how video is scaled to the fit the widget with respect to its aspect ratio.

See also aspectRatioMode().

[pure virtual] void QVideoWidgetControl::setBrightness(int brightness)

Sets a brightness adjustment for a video.

Valid brightness values range between -100 and 100, the default is 0.

See also brightness().

[pure virtual] void QVideoWidgetControl::setContrast(int contrast)

Sets the contrast adjustment for a video widget to contrast.

Valid contrast values range between -100 and 100, the default is 0.

See also contrast().

[pure virtual] void QVideoWidgetControl::setFullScreen(bool fullScreen)

Sets whether a video widget is in fullScreen mode.

See also isFullScreen().

[pure virtual] void QVideoWidgetControl::setHue(int hue)

Sets a hue adjustment for a video widget.

Valid hue values range between -100 and 100, the default is 0.

See also hue().

[pure virtual] void QVideoWidgetControl::setSaturation(int saturation)

Sets a saturation adjustment for a video widget.

Valid saturation values range between -100 and 100, the default is 0.

See also saturation().

[pure virtual] QWidget *QVideoWidgetControl::videoWidget()

Returns the QWidget.

Macro Documentation



Defines the interface name of the QVideoWidgetControl class.

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