HDRBloomTonemap QML Type

A bloom with tonemapping effect. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick3D.Effects 1.15


Detailed Description

The HDRBloomTonemap effect provides two features:

  • Adjust the gamma and exposure of the high-dynamic range rendered content to achieve the image quality you want.
  • Apply an adjustable bloom effect to very bright areas (like the sun glinting off a car).

Property Documentation

bloomThreshold : real

Lighting greater than this value blooms. A value of 1.0 corresponds to white in the original render result. Lowering this value causes more areas of the rendered scene to bloom. At a value of 0.0 everything in the scene blooms. Range is [0...1]. 1 by default.

blurFalloff : real

Adjusts the amount of bloom. Lower values result in stronger bloom effect, and higher values make the effect more subtle. Range is [0...10]. 0 by default.

channelThreshold : real

The white point for the image. There is usually no need to adjust this. Range is [0...1]. 1 by default.

exposure : real

A linear multiplier on the lighting, brightening, or darkening the image overall. A value of 0.0 causes no adjustment to the image. Range is [-9...9]. 0 by default.

gamma : real

Affects the non-linear curve of the lighting. Higher values increase the exposure of mid tones, lightening the image and decreasing the contrast. A value of 1.0 causes no adjustment to the image. Sensible values are in the range [0.1...4]. 1 by default.

tonemappingLerp : real

Strength of the overall bloom effect. There is usually no need to adjust this. Range is [0...1], with 0 being no blur and 1 being full bloom. 1 by default.

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