AluminumMaterial QML Type

Aluminum material. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick3D.Materials 1.14

Detailed Description

The aluminum material has the following properties:

Property Name Property Type Description
reflection_map_offset real Offset of the reflection map. Default is 0.5.
reflection_map_scale real Scale of the reflection map. Default is 0.3.
roughness_map_offset real Offset of the roughness map. Default is 0.16.
roughness_map_scale real Scale of the roughness map. Default is 0.4.
bump_amount real Strength of the bumpiness of the bump map. Range is [0, 2]. Default is 0.5.
uEnvironmentMappingEnabled bool Does the material use an environment map. Default is true.
uShadowMappingEnabled bool Does the material use a baked shadow map. Default is false.
tiling vector3d Tiling repeat of the reflection texture map. Default is Qt.vector3d(1, 1, 1).
metal_color vector3d Base color of the material. Default is Qt.vector3d(0.95, 0.95, 0.95).
uEnvironmentTexture TextureInput The environment texture map. Enabled when uEnvironmentMappingEnabled is true. Default is a Texture with source "maps/spherical_checker.png".
uBakedShadowTexture TextureInput The baked shadow texture map. Enabled when uShadowMappingEnabled is true. Default is a Texture with source "maps/shadow.png".
reflection_texture TextureInput The reflection texture map. Default is a Texture with source "maps/grunge_b.png".
roughness_texture TextureInput The roughness texture map. Default is a Texture with source "maps/grunge_d.png".
bump_texture TextureInput The bump texture map. Default is a Texture with source "maps/grunge_d.png".

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