MapItemView QML Type

The MapItemView is used to populate Map from a model. More...

Import Statement: import QtLocation 5.14
Since: QtLocation 5.5


Detailed Description

The MapItemView is used to populate Map with MapItems from a model. The MapItemView type only makes sense when contained in a Map, meaning that it has no standalone presentation.

Example Usage

This example demonstrates how to use the MapViewItem object to display a route on a map:

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtPositioning 5.5
import QtLocation 5.6

Map {
    RouteModel {
        id: routeModel

    MapItemView {
        model: routeModel
        delegate: routeDelegate

    Component {
        id: routeDelegate

        MapRoute {
            route: routeData
            line.color: "blue"
            line.width: 5
            smooth: true
            opacity: 0.8

Property Documentation

add : Transition

This property holds the transition that is applied to the map items created by the view when they are instantiated and added to the map.

This property was introduced in QtLocation 5.12.

autoFitViewport : Component

This property controls whether to automatically pan and zoom the viewport to display all map items when items are added or removed.

Defaults to false.

delegate : Component

This property holds the delegate which defines how each item in the model should be displayed. The Component must contain exactly one MapItem -derived object as the root object.

model : model

This property holds the model that provides data used for creating the map items defined by the delegate. Only QAbstractItemModel based models are supported.

remove : Transition

This property holds the transition that is applied to the map items created by the view when they are removed.

This property was introduced in QtLocation 5.12.

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