Qt Positioning Serial NMEA plugin


Included with Qt Location is a position plugin which parses NMEA sentences streamed over a serial port into position updates.

This plugin can be loaded by using the provider name serialnmea.


The following table lists parameters that can be passed to the serialnmea plugin.

Parameter Description
serialnmea.serial_port The serial port where the NMEA stream is coming.

Parameter Usage Example

The following examples show how to create a serialnmea PositionSource listening on a specific serial port


PositionSource {
    name: "serialnmea"
    PluginParameter { name: "serialnmea.serial_port"; value: "tnt1" }


QVariantMap params;
params["serialnmea.serial_port"] = "tnt1";
QGeoPositionInfoSource *positionSource = QGeoPositionInfoSource::createSource("serialnmea", params, this);

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