- pandas.IndexSlice = <pandas.core.indexing._IndexSlice object>
Create an object to more easily perform multi-index slicing.
See also
New MultiIndex with no unused levels.
See Defined Levels for further info on slicing a MultiIndex.
>>> midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['A0','A1'], ['B0','B1','B2','B3']]) >>> columns = ['foo', 'bar'] >>> dfmi = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(16).reshape((len(midx), len(columns))), ... index=midx, columns=columns)
Using the default slice command:
>>> dfmi.loc[(slice(None), slice('B0', 'B1')), :] foo bar A0 B0 0 1 B1 2 3 A1 B0 8 9 B1 10 11
Using the IndexSlice class for a more intuitive command:
>>> idx = pd.IndexSlice >>> dfmi.loc[idx[:, 'B0':'B1'], :] foo bar A0 B0 0 1 B1 2 3 A1 B0 8 9 B1 10 11
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