QRenderCapabilities Class

class Qt3DRender::QRenderCapabilities

The QRenderCapabilities class holds settings related to available rendering engines. More...

Header: #include <QRenderCapabilities>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS 3drender REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::3drender)
qmake: QT += 3drender
Since: Qt 5.15
Instantiated By: RenderCapabilities
Inherits: QObject


Public Functions

Qt3DRender::QRenderCapabilities::API api() const
QString driverVersion() const
QStringList extensions() const
QString glslVersion() const
bool isValid() const
int majorVersion() const
int maxComputeInvocations() const
int maxComputeSharedMemorySize() const
int maxImageUnits() const
int maxSSBOBindings() const
int maxSSBOSize() const
int maxSamples() const
int maxTextureLayers() const
int maxTextureSize() const
int maxTextureUnits() const
int maxUBOBindings() const
int maxUBOSize() const
int maxWorkGroupCountX() const
int maxWorkGroupCountY() const
int maxWorkGroupCountZ() const
int maxWorkGroupSizeX() const
int maxWorkGroupSizeY() const
int maxWorkGroupSizeZ() const
int minorVersion() const
Qt3DRender::QRenderCapabilities::Profile profile() const
QString renderer() const
bool supportsCompute() const
bool supportsImageStore() const
bool supportsSSBO() const
bool supportsUBO() const
QString vendor() const

Detailed Description

QRenderCapabilities provides details of graphical features that are available at runtime. It can be used to decide which code path to use for some algorithms, for example, depending on whether compute shaders are available or not.

Property Documentation

[read-only] api : const API

Returns which API is currently in use.

Access functions:

Qt3DRender::QRenderCapabilities::API api() const

[read-only] driverVersion : const QString

Returns the driver version string.

Access functions:

QString driverVersion() const

[read-only] extensions : const QStringList

Returns the list of extensions currently available.

Access functions:

QStringList extensions() const

[read-only] glslVersion : const QString

Returns the GLSL version string.

Access functions:

QString glslVersion() const

[read-only] majorVersion : const int

Returns the major version number currently in use.

Access functions:

int majorVersion() const

[read-only] maxComputeInvocations : const int

Returns the maximum number of Compute Shaders available.

Access functions:

int maxComputeInvocations() const

[read-only] maxComputeSharedMemorySize : const int

Returns the maximum amount of shared memory available for Compute Shaders.

Access functions:

int maxComputeSharedMemorySize() const

[read-only] maxImageUnits : const int

Returns the maximum number of available image units.

Access functions:

int maxImageUnits() const

[read-only] maxSSBOBindings : const int

Returns the maximum number of available SSBO binding points, if supported.

Access functions:

int maxSSBOBindings() const

[read-only] maxSSBOSize : const int

Returns the maximum size of SSBOs, if available.

Access functions:

int maxSSBOSize() const

[read-only] maxSamples : const int

Returns the maximum number of samples available for MSAA.

Access functions:

int maxSamples() const

[read-only] maxTextureLayers : const int

Returns the number of available texture layers.

Access functions:

int maxTextureLayers() const

[read-only] maxTextureSize : const int

Returns the maximum size of textures.

Access functions:

int maxTextureSize() const

[read-only] maxTextureUnits : const int

Returns the number of available texture units.

Access functions:

int maxTextureUnits() const

[read-only] maxUBOBindings : const int

Returns the maximum number of available UBO binding points, if supported.

Access functions:

int maxUBOBindings() const

[read-only] maxUBOSize : const int

Returns the maximum size of UBOs, if supported.

Access functions:

int maxUBOSize() const

[read-only] maxWorkGroupCountX : const int

Returns the maximum number of available Compute Shader workgroups in the X axis.

Access functions:

int maxWorkGroupCountX() const

[read-only] maxWorkGroupCountY : const int

Returns the maximum number of available Compute Shader workgroups in the Y axis.

Access functions:

int maxWorkGroupCountY() const

[read-only] maxWorkGroupCountZ : const int

Returns the maximum number of available Compute Shader workgroups in the Z axis.

Access functions:

int maxWorkGroupCountZ() const

[read-only] maxWorkGroupSizeX : const int

Returns the maximum size of Compute Shader local workgroups in the X axis.

Access functions:

int maxWorkGroupSizeX() const

[read-only] maxWorkGroupSizeY : const int

Returns the maximum size of Compute Shader local workgroups in the Y axis.

Access functions:

int maxWorkGroupSizeY() const

[read-only] maxWorkGroupSizeZ : const int

Returns the maximum size of Compute Shader local workgroups in the Z axis.

Access functions:

int maxWorkGroupSizeZ() const

[read-only] minorVersion : const int

Returns the minor version number currently in use.

Access functions:

int minorVersion() const

[read-only] profile : const Profile

Returns which profile (if applicable) is currently in use.

Access functions:

Qt3DRender::QRenderCapabilities::Profile profile() const

[read-only] renderer : const QString

Returns the device identification string.

Access functions:

QString renderer() const

[read-only] supportsCompute : const bool

Returns true if Compute Shaders are supported.

Access functions:

bool supportsCompute() const

[read-only] supportsImageStore : const bool

Returns true if Image Store operations are supported.

Access functions:

bool supportsImageStore() const

[read-only] supportsSSBO : const bool

Returns true if SSBOs are supported.

Access functions:

bool supportsSSBO() const

[read-only] supportsUBO : const bool

Returns true if UBOs are supported.

Access functions:

bool supportsUBO() const

[read-only] valid : const bool

true if the data is valid, otherwise Qt 3D failed to query the available hardware.

Access functions:

bool isValid() const

[read-only] vendor : const QString

Returns the vendor identification string.

Access functions:

QString vendor() const

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