QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent Class

The QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent class notifies about text changes. This is for accessibles that support editable text such as line edits. This event occurs for example when a portion of selected text gets replaced by pasting a new text or in override mode of editors. More...

Header: #include <QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Gui REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)
qmake: QT += gui
Inherits: QAccessibleTextCursorEvent

Public Functions

QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent(QAccessibleInterface *iface, int position, const QString &oldText, const QString &text)
QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent(QObject *object, int position, const QString &oldText, const QString &text)
int changePosition() const
QString textInserted() const
QString textRemoved() const

Detailed Description

This class is used with QAccessible::updateAccessibility().

Member Function Documentation

QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent::QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent(QAccessibleInterface *iface, int position, const QString &oldText, const QString &text)

Constructs a new QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent for iface. The text change takes place at position where the oldText was removed and text inserted instead.

QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent::QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent(QObject *object, int position, const QString &oldText, const QString &text)

Constructs a new QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent for object. The text change takes place at position where the oldText was removed and text inserted instead.

int QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent::changePosition() const

Returns where the change took place.

QString QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent::textInserted() const

Returns the inserted text.

QString QAccessibleTextUpdateEvent::textRemoved() const

Returns the removed text.

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