QQuickOpenGLUtils Namespace

The QQuickOpenGLUtils namespace contains utilities for Qt Quick when used with an OpenGL backend. More...

Header: #include <QQuickOpenGLUtils>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Quick REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Quick)
qmake: QT += quick
Since: Qt 6.0


void resetOpenGLState()

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

[since 6.0] void QQuickOpenGLUtils::resetOpenGLState()

Call this function to reset the current OpenGL context its default state.

The scene graph uses the OpenGL context and will both rely on and clobber its state. When mixing raw OpenGL commands with scene graph rendering, this function provides a convenient way of resetting the OpenGL context state back to its default values.

This function does not touch state in the fixed-function pipeline.

Warning: This function will only reset the OpenGL context in relation to what may be changed internally as part of the OpenGL scene graph. It does not reset anything that has been changed externally such as direct OpenGL calls done inside the application code if those same calls are not used internally (for example, various OpenGL 3.x or 4.x specific state).

This function was introduced in Qt 6.0.

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