[Java] Class SimpleGroovyProgramElementDoc

  • org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.SimpleGroovyProgramElementDoc
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
public class SimpleGroovyProgramElementDoc
extends SimpleGroovyDoc

Properties Summary

Type Name and description
boolean final
boolean packagePrivate
boolean private
boolean protected
boolean public
boolean static

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
SimpleGroovyProgramElementDoc (String name)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
void addAnnotationRef(GroovyAnnotationRef ref)
GroovyAnnotationRef[] annotations()
GroovyClassDoc containingClass()
GroovyPackageDoc containingPackage()
boolean isFinal()
boolean isPackagePrivate()
boolean isPrivate()
boolean isProtected()
boolean isPublic()
boolean isStatic()
int modifierSpecifier()
String modifiers()
String qualifiedName()
void setContainingPackage(GroovyPackageDoc packageDoc)
void setFinal(boolean b)
void setPackagePrivate(boolean b)
void setPrivate(boolean b)
void setProtected(boolean b)
void setPublic(boolean b)
void setStatic(boolean b)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class SimpleGroovyDoc calculateFirstSentence, commentText, compareTo, firstSentenceCommentText, getRawCommentText, getTypeDescription, getTypeSourceDescription, isAnnotationType, isAnnotationTypeElement, isClass, isConstructor, isDeprecated, isEnum, isEnumConstant, isError, isException, isField, isIncluded, isInterface, isMethod, isOrdinaryClass, isScript, isTrait, name, setCommentText, setDeprecated, setFirstSentenceCommentText, setRawCommentText, setScript, setTokenType, tags, toString, tokenType

Property Detail

boolean final

boolean packagePrivate

boolean private

boolean protected

boolean public

boolean static

Constructor Detail

public SimpleGroovyProgramElementDoc(String name)

Method Detail

public void addAnnotationRef(GroovyAnnotationRef ref)

public GroovyAnnotationRef[] annotations()

public GroovyClassDoc containingClass()

public GroovyPackageDoc containingPackage()

public boolean isFinal()

public boolean isPackagePrivate()

public boolean isPrivate()

public boolean isProtected()

public boolean isPublic()

public boolean isStatic()

public int modifierSpecifier()

public String modifiers()

public String qualifiedName()

public void setContainingPackage(GroovyPackageDoc packageDoc)

public void setFinal(boolean b)

public void setPackagePrivate(boolean b)

public void setPrivate(boolean b)

public void setProtected(boolean b)

public void setPublic(boolean b)

public void setStatic(boolean b)

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