[Java] Class MetaClassRegistryChangeEvent

  • groovy.lang.MetaClassRegistryChangeEvent

An event used to propagate meta class updates

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
MetaClassRegistryChangeEvent (Object source, Object instance, Class clazz, MetaClass oldMetaClass, MetaClass newMetaClass)
Constructs a new MetaClassRegistryChangeEvent Object

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
Class getClassToUpdate()
Get the class that is updated.
Object getInstance()
Returns the instance this event is for.
MetaClass getNewMetaClass()
Get the new MetaClass
MetaClass getOldMetaClass()
Get the old MetaClass
MetaClassRegistry getRegistry()
Get the MetaClassRegistry that originates this change
boolean isPerInstanceMetaClassChange()
Determines if this event is for a change for a single instance or all instances of the Class.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class EventObject toString, getSource, wait, wait, wait, equals, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Constructor Detail

public MetaClassRegistryChangeEvent(Object source, Object instance, Class clazz, MetaClass oldMetaClass, MetaClass newMetaClass)

Constructs a new MetaClassRegistryChangeEvent Object

source - The object the event originates at.
instance - Object instance the MetaClass change is on.
clazz - The class that is affected by the registry change
oldMetaClass - The old MetaClass
newMetaClass - The new MetaClass

Method Detail

public Class getClassToUpdate()

Get the class that is updated.

The updated class

public Object getInstance()

Returns the instance this event is for.

the instance or null if this event is for a change for all instances of a class

public MetaClass getNewMetaClass()

Get the new MetaClass

The new MetaClass

public MetaClass getOldMetaClass()

Get the old MetaClass

The old MetaClass

public MetaClassRegistry getRegistry()

Get the MetaClassRegistry that originates this change

the source MetaClassRegistry

public boolean isPerInstanceMetaClassChange()

Determines if this event is for a change for a single instance or all instances of the Class.

whether this event is for a single instance

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