[Java] Interface RelationNameResolver

Strategy for resolving a relationship property name.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
String resolveChildRelationName(String parentName, Object parent, String childName, Object child)
Returns the mapping name of child -> parent
String resolveParentRelationName(String parentName, Object parent, String childName, Object child)
Returns the mapping name of parent -> child

Method Detail

public String resolveChildRelationName(String parentName, Object parent, String childName, Object child)

Returns the mapping name of child -> parent

parentName - the name of the parent node
parent - the parent node
childName - the name of the child node
child - the child node

public String resolveParentRelationName(String parentName, Object parent, String childName, Object child)

Returns the mapping name of parent -> child

parentName - the name of the parent node
parent - the parent node
childName - the name of the child node
child - the child node

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