[Java] Class AbstractHttpServlet

  • groovy.servlet.AbstractHttpServlet
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
public abstract class AbstractHttpServlet
extends HttpServlet

A base class dealing with common HTTP servlet API housekeeping aspects.

Resource name mangling (pattern replacement)

Also implements Groovy's ResourceConnector in a dynamic manner. It allows you to modify the resource name that is searched for with a replace all operation. See Pattern and Matcher for details. The servlet init parameter names are:

#INIT_PARAM_RESOURCE_NAME_REGEX} = empty - defaults to null resource.name.replacement = empty - defaults to null resource.name.replace.all = true (default) | false means replaceFirst() Note: If you specify a regex, you have to specify a replacement string too! Otherwise an exception gets raised.

Logging and bug-hunting options

This implementation provides a verbosity flag switching log statements. The servlet init parameter name is:

 verbose = false(default) | true

In order to support class-loading-troubles-debugging with Tomcat 4 or higher, you can log the class loader responsible for loading some classes. See GROOVY-861 for details. The servlet init parameter name is:

 log.GROOVY861 = false(default) | true

If you experience class-loading-troubles with Tomcat 4 (or higher) or any other servlet container using custom class loader setups, you can fallback to use (slower) reflection in Groovy's MetaClass implementation. Please contact the dev team with your problem! Thanks. The servlet init parameter name is:

 reflection = false(default) | true

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
static String CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML Content type of the HTTP response.
static String INC_PATH_INFO Servlet API include key name: path_info
static String INC_REQUEST_URI
static String INC_SERVLET_PATH Servlet API include key name: servlet_path
protected String encoding Encoding to use, becomes charset part of contentType.
protected String namePrefix a.fink: it was in removeNamePrefix, but was extracted to var for optimization
protected boolean reflection Mirrors the static value of the reflection flag in MetaClass.
protected Pattern resourceNamePattern Either null or a compiled pattern read from "{@value #INIT_PARAM_RESOURCE_NAME_REGEX}" and used in AbstractHttpServlet.getScriptUri.
protected boolean resourceNameReplaceAll The replace method to use on the matcher.
protected String resourceNameReplacement The replacement used by the resource name matcher.
protected ServletContext servletContext Servlet (or the web application) context.
protected boolean verbose Controls almost all log output.

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
AbstractHttpServlet ()
Initializes all fields with default values.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
protected String applyResourceNameMatcher(String uri)
protected void generateNamePrefixOnce()
URLConnection getResourceConnection(String name)
Interface method for ResourceContainer.
protected String getScriptUri(HttpServletRequest request)
Returns the include-aware uri of the script or template file.
protected File getScriptUriAsFile(HttpServletRequest request)
Parses the http request for the real script or template source file.
void init(ServletConfig config)
Overrides the generic init method to set some debug flags.
protected String removeNamePrefix(String name)
protected void setVariables(ServletBinding binding)
Override this method to set your variables to the Groovy binding.

Field Detail

public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML

Content type of the HTTP response.

public static final String INC_PATH_INFO

Servlet API include key name: path_info

public static final String INC_REQUEST_URI

public static final String INC_SERVLET_PATH

Servlet API include key name: servlet_path

public static final String INIT_PARAM_RESOURCE_NAME_REGEX


protected String encoding

Encoding to use, becomes charset part of contentType.

protected String namePrefix

a.fink: it was in removeNamePrefix, but was extracted to var for optimization

protected boolean reflection

Mirrors the static value of the reflection flag in MetaClass. See AbstractHttpServlet#logGROOVY861

protected Pattern resourceNamePattern

Either null or a compiled pattern read from "{

#INIT_PARAM_RESOURCE_NAME_REGEX}" and used in AbstractHttpServlet.getScriptUri.

protected boolean resourceNameReplaceAll

The replace method to use on the matcher.

 true - replaceAll(resourceNameReplacement); (default)
 false - replaceFirst(resourceNameReplacement);

protected String resourceNameReplacement

The replacement used by the resource name matcher.

protected ServletContext servletContext

Servlet (or the web application) context.

protected boolean verbose

Controls almost all log output.

Constructor Detail

public AbstractHttpServlet()

Initializes all fields with default values.

Method Detail

protected String applyResourceNameMatcher(String uri)

protected void generateNamePrefixOnce()

public URLConnection getResourceConnection(String name)

Interface method for ResourceContainer. This is used by the GroovyScriptEngine.

protected String getScriptUri(HttpServletRequest request)

Returns the include-aware uri of the script or template file.

request - the http request to analyze
the include-aware uri either parsed from request attributes or hints provided by the servlet container

protected File getScriptUriAsFile(HttpServletRequest request)

Parses the http request for the real script or template source file.

request - the http request to analyze
a file object using an absolute file path name, or null if the servlet container cannot translate the virtual path to a real path for any reason (such as when the content is being made available from a .war archive).

public void init(ServletConfig config)

Overrides the generic init method to set some debug flags.

ServletException if init() method defined in super class javax.servlet.GenericServlet throws it
config - the servlet configuration provided by the container

protected String removeNamePrefix(String name)

protected void setVariables(ServletBinding binding)

Override this method to set your variables to the Groovy binding.

All variables bound the binding are passed to the template source text, e.g. the HTML file, when the template is merged.

The binding provided by TemplateServlet does already include some default variables. As of this writing, they are (copied from ServletBinding):

  • "request" : HttpServletRequest
  • "response" : HttpServletResponse
  • "context" : ServletContext
  • "application" : ServletContext
  • "session" : request.getSession(false)

And via implicit hard-coded keywords:

  • "out" : response.getWriter()
  • "sout" : response.getOutputStream()
  • "html" : new MarkupBuilder(response.getWriter())

The binding also provides convenient methods:

  • "forward(String path)" : request.getRequestDispatcher(path).forward(request, response);
  • "include(String path)" : request.getRequestDispatcher(path).include(request, response);
  • "redirect(String location)" : response.sendRedirect(location);

Example binding all servlet context variables:

 class MyServlet extends TemplateServlet {

   protected void setVariables(ServletBinding binding) {
     // Bind a simple variable
     binding.setVariable("answer", new Long(42));

     // Bind all servlet context attributes...
     ServletContext context = (ServletContext) binding.getVariable("context");
     Enumeration enumeration = context.getAttributeNames();
     while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
       String name = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
       binding.setVariable(name, context.getAttribute(name));
binding - to be modified

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