[Java] Class ProxyMetaClass

  • groovy.lang.ProxyMetaClass
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
public class ProxyMetaClass
extends MetaClassImpl

As subclass of MetaClass, ProxyMetaClass manages calls from Groovy Objects to POJOs. It enriches MetaClass with the feature of making method invocations interceptable by an Interceptor. To this end, it acts as a decorator (decorator pattern) allowing to add or withdraw this feature at runtime. See groovy/lang/InterceptorTest.groovy for details.

WARNING: This implementation of ProxyMetaClass is NOT thread-safe and hence should only be used for as a per-instance MetaClass running in a single thread. Do not place this MetaClass in the MetaClassRegistry as it will result in unpredictable behaviour

See Also:

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
protected MetaClass adaptee
protected Interceptor interceptor
Inherited fields
Fields inherited from class Fields
class MetaClassImpl EMPTY_ARGUMENTS, INVOKE_METHOD_METHOD, METHOD_MISSING, PROPERTY_MISSING, STATIC_METHOD_MISSING, STATIC_PROPERTY_MISSING, getPropertyMethod, invokeMethodMethod, isGroovyObject, isMap, metaMethodIndex, registry, setPropertyMethod, theCachedClass, theClass

Properties Summary

Type Name and description
MetaClass adaptee
Interceptor interceptor
Object property

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
ProxyMetaClass (MetaClassRegistry registry, Class theClass, MetaClass adaptee)
@param adaptee the MetaClass to decorate with interceptability

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
MetaClass getAdaptee()
static ProxyMetaClass getInstance(Class theClass)
convenience factory method for the most usual case.
Interceptor getInterceptor()
@return the interceptor in use or null if no interceptor is used
Object getProperty(Class aClass, Object object, String property, boolean b, boolean b1)
Interceptors the call to getProperty if a PropertyAccessInterceptor is available
void initialize()
Object invokeConstructor(Object[] arguments)
Call invokeConstructor on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor.
Object invokeMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments)
Call invokeMethod on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor.
Object invokeMethod(Class sender, Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments, boolean isCallToSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)
Call invokeMethod on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor.
Object invokeStaticMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments)
Call invokeStaticMethod on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor.
void setAdaptee(MetaClass metaClass)
void setInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor)
@param interceptor may be null to reset any interception
void setProperty(Class aClass, Object object, String property, Object newValue, boolean b, boolean b1)
Interceptors the call to a property setter if a PropertyAccessInterceptor is available
Object use(Closure closure)
Use the ProxyMetaClass for the given Closure.
Object use(GroovyObject object, Closure closure)
Use the ProxyMetaClass for the given Closure.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class MetaClassImpl addMetaBeanProperty, addMetaMethod, addMetaMethodToIndex, addNewInstanceMethod, addNewStaticMethod, applyPropertyDescriptors, checkIfGroovyObjectMethod, checkInitalised, chooseMethod, clearInvocationCaches, createConstructorSite, createErrorMessageForAmbiguity, createPogoCallCurrentSite, createPogoCallSite, createPojoCallSite, createStaticSite, createTransformMetaMethod, doChooseMostSpecificParams, dropMethodCache, dropStaticMethodCache, findMethodInClassHierarchy, findMixinMethod, findOwnMethod, findPropertyInClassHierarchy, getAdditionalMetaMethods, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getClassInfo, getClassNode, getEffectiveGetMetaProperty, getMetaMethod, getMetaMethods, getMetaProperty, getMethodWithCaching, getMethodWithoutCaching, getMethods, getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, getRegistry, getStaticMetaMethod, getSubclassMetaMethods, getSuperClasses, getTheCachedClass, getTheClass, getVersion, handleMatches, hasCustomInvokeMethod, hasCustomStaticInvokeMethod, hasProperty, incVersion, initialize, invokeConstructor, invokeMethod, invokeMethod, invokeMethod, invokeMissingMethod, invokeMissingProperty, invokeStaticMethod, invokeStaticMissingProperty, isGroovyObject, isInitialized, isModified, onGetPropertyFoundInHierarchy, onInvokeMethodFoundInHierarchy, onMixinMethodFound, onSetPropertyFoundInHierarchy, onSuperMethodFoundInHierarchy, onSuperPropertyFoundInHierarchy, pickMethod, respondsTo, respondsTo, retrieveConstructor, retrieveConstructor, retrieveStaticMethod, selectConstructorAndTransformArguments, setAttribute, setAttribute, setProperties, setProperty, setProperty, toString

Field Detail

protected MetaClass adaptee

protected Interceptor interceptor

Property Detail

MetaClass adaptee

Interceptor interceptor

Object property

Constructor Detail

public ProxyMetaClass(MetaClassRegistry registry, Class theClass, MetaClass adaptee)

adaptee - the MetaClass to decorate with interceptability

Method Detail

public MetaClass getAdaptee()

public static ProxyMetaClass getInstance(Class theClass)

convenience factory method for the most usual case.

public Interceptor getInterceptor()

the interceptor in use or null if no interceptor is used

public Object getProperty(Class aClass, Object object, String property, boolean b, boolean b1)

Interceptors the call to getProperty if a PropertyAccessInterceptor is available

object - the object to invoke the getter on
property - the property name
the value of the property

public void initialize()

public Object invokeConstructor(Object[] arguments)

Call invokeConstructor on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor. With Interceptor the call is nested in its beforeInvoke and afterInvoke methods. The method call is suppressed if Interceptor.doInvoke() returns false. See Interceptor for details.

public Object invokeMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments)

Call invokeMethod on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor. With Interceptor the call is nested in its beforeInvoke and afterInvoke methods. The method call is suppressed if Interceptor.doInvoke() returns false. See Interceptor for details.

@Override public Object invokeMethod(Class sender, Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments, boolean isCallToSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)

Call invokeMethod on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor. With Interceptor the call is nested in its beforeInvoke and afterInvoke methods. The method call is suppressed if Interceptor.doInvoke() returns false. See Interceptor for details.

public Object invokeStaticMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments)

Call invokeStaticMethod on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor. With Interceptor the call is nested in its beforeInvoke and afterInvoke methods. The method call is suppressed if Interceptor.doInvoke() returns false. See Interceptor for details.

public void setAdaptee(MetaClass metaClass)

public void setInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor)

interceptor - may be null to reset any interception

public void setProperty(Class aClass, Object object, String property, Object newValue, boolean b, boolean b1)

Interceptors the call to a property setter if a PropertyAccessInterceptor is available

object - The object to invoke the setter on
property - The property name to set
newValue - The new value of the property

public Object use(Closure closure)

Use the ProxyMetaClass for the given Closure. Cares for balanced register/unregister.

closure - piece of code to be executed with registered ProxyMetaClass

public Object use(GroovyObject object, Closure closure)

Use the ProxyMetaClass for the given Closure. Cares for balanced setting/unsetting ProxyMetaClass.

closure - piece of code to be executed with ProxyMetaClass

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