[Java] Class DateGroovyMethods

  • org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DateGroovyMethods
use DateUtilExtensions instead

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
static Date clearTime(Date self)
static Date clearTime(Date self)
static Calendar clearTime(Calendar self)
static Calendar copyWith(Calendar self, Map<Object, Integer> updates)
static Date copyWith(Date self, Map<Object, Integer> updates)
static void downto(Date self, Date to, Closure closure)
static void downto(Calendar self, Calendar to, Closure closure)
static String format(Date self, String format)
static String format(Date self, String format, TimeZone tz)
static String format(Calendar self, String pattern)
static int getAt(Date self, int field)
static int getAt(Calendar self, int field)
static String getDateString(Date self)
static String getDateTimeString(Date self)
static String getTimeString(Date self)
static Date minus(Date self, int days)
static Date minus(Date self, int days)
static Timestamp minus(Timestamp self, int days)
static int minus(Calendar self, Calendar then)
static int minus(Date self, Date then)
static Date next(Date self)
static Calendar next(Calendar self)
static Date next(Date self)
static Date plus(Date self, int days)
static Date plus(Date self, int days)
static Timestamp plus(Timestamp self, int days)
static Calendar previous(Calendar self)
static Date previous(Date self)
static Date previous(Date self)
static void putAt(Calendar self, int field, int value)
static void putAt(Date self, int field, int value)
static void set(Calendar self, Map<Object, Integer> updates)
static void set(Date self, Map<Object, Integer> updates)
static Calendar toCalendar(Date self)
static Calendar updated(Calendar self, Map<Object, Integer> updates)
static Date updated(Date self, Map<Object, Integer> updates)
static void upto(Date self, Date to, Closure closure)
static void upto(Calendar self, Calendar to, Closure closure)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class DefaultGroovyMethodsSupport cloneSimilarCollection, cloneSimilarMap, closeQuietly, closeWithWarning, createSimilarArray, createSimilarCollection, createSimilarCollection, createSimilarCollection, createSimilarList, createSimilarMap, createSimilarOrDefaultCollection, createSimilarQueue, createSimilarSet, normaliseIndex, sameType, subListBorders, subListBorders

Method Detail

@Deprecated public static Date clearTime(Date self)

@Deprecated public static Date clearTime(Date self)

@Deprecated public static Calendar clearTime(Calendar self)

@Deprecated public static Calendar copyWith(Calendar self, Map<Object, Integer> updates)

@Deprecated public static Date copyWith(Date self, Map<Object, Integer> updates)

@Deprecated public static void downto(Date self, Date to, Closure closure)

@Deprecated public static void downto(Calendar self, Calendar to, Closure closure)

@Deprecated public static String format(Date self, String format)

@Deprecated public static String format(Date self, String format, TimeZone tz)

@Deprecated public static String format(Calendar self, String pattern)

@Deprecated public static int getAt(Date self, int field)

@Deprecated public static int getAt(Calendar self, int field)

@Deprecated public static String getDateString(Date self)

@Deprecated public static String getDateTimeString(Date self)

@Deprecated public static String getTimeString(Date self)

@Deprecated public static Date minus(Date self, int days)

@Deprecated public static Date minus(Date self, int days)

@Deprecated public static Timestamp minus(Timestamp self, int days)

@Deprecated public static int minus(Calendar self, Calendar then)

@Deprecated public static int minus(Date self, Date then)

@Deprecated public static Date next(Date self)

@Deprecated public static Calendar next(Calendar self)

@Deprecated public static Date next(Date self)

@Deprecated public static Date plus(Date self, int days)

@Deprecated public static Date plus(Date self, int days)

@Deprecated public static Timestamp plus(Timestamp self, int days)

@Deprecated public static Calendar previous(Calendar self)

@Deprecated public static Date previous(Date self)

@Deprecated public static Date previous(Date self)

@Deprecated public static void putAt(Calendar self, int field, int value)

@Deprecated public static void putAt(Date self, int field, int value)

@Deprecated public static void set(Calendar self, Map<Object, Integer> updates)

@Deprecated public static void set(Date self, Map<Object, Integer> updates)

@Deprecated public static Calendar toCalendar(Date self)

@Deprecated public static Calendar updated(Calendar self, Map<Object, Integer> updates)

@Deprecated public static Date updated(Date self, Map<Object, Integer> updates)

@Deprecated public static void upto(Date self, Date to, Closure closure)

@Deprecated public static void upto(Calendar self, Calendar to, Closure closure)

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