[Java] Class CachedClass

  • org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass

Nested Class Summary

Nested classes
Modifiers Name Description
static class CachedClass.CachedMethodComparatorByName
static class CachedClass.CachedMethodComparatorWithString

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
static CachedClass[] EMPTY_ARRAY
ClassInfo classInfo
boolean isArray
boolean isInterface
boolean isNumber
boolean isPrimitive
int modifiers
CachedMethod[] mopMethods

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
CachedClass (Class klazz, ClassInfo classInfo)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
void addNewMopMethods(List<MetaMethod> arr)
Object coerceArgument(Object argument)
CachedClass getCachedClass()
compatibility method
CachedClass getCachedSuperClass()
CallSiteClassLoader getCallSiteLoader()
CachedConstructor[] getConstructors()
Set<CachedClass> getDeclaredInterfaces()
CachedField[] getFields()
Collection<ClassInfo> getHierarchy()
Set<CachedClass> getInterfaces()
CachedMethod[] getMethods()
int getModifiers()
String getName()
MetaMethod[] getNewMetaMethods()
int getSuperClassDistance()
Class getTheClass()
String getTypeDescription()
int hashCode()
boolean isAssignableFrom(Class argument)
boolean isDirectlyAssignable(Object argument)
boolean isInterface()
boolean isPrimitive()
boolean isVoid()
CachedMethod searchMethods(String name, CachedClass[] parameterTypes)
void setNewMopMethods(List<MetaMethod> arr)
String toString()

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Field Detail

public static final CachedClass[] EMPTY_ARRAY

public ClassInfo classInfo

public final boolean isArray

public final boolean isInterface

public final boolean isNumber

public final boolean isPrimitive

public final int modifiers

public CachedMethod[] mopMethods

Constructor Detail

public CachedClass(Class klazz, ClassInfo classInfo)

Method Detail

public void addNewMopMethods(List<MetaMethod> arr)

public Object coerceArgument(Object argument)

public CachedClass getCachedClass()

compatibility method


public CachedClass getCachedSuperClass()

public CallSiteClassLoader getCallSiteLoader()

public CachedConstructor[] getConstructors()

public Set<CachedClass> getDeclaredInterfaces()

public CachedField[] getFields()

public Collection<ClassInfo> getHierarchy()

public Set<CachedClass> getInterfaces()

public CachedMethod[] getMethods()

public int getModifiers()

public String getName()

public MetaMethod[] getNewMetaMethods()

public int getSuperClassDistance()

public final Class getTheClass()

public String getTypeDescription()

public int hashCode()

public boolean isAssignableFrom(Class argument)

public boolean isDirectlyAssignable(Object argument)

public boolean isInterface()

public boolean isPrimitive()

public boolean isVoid()

public CachedMethod searchMethods(String name, CachedClass[] parameterTypes)

public void setNewMopMethods(List<MetaMethod> arr)

public String toString()

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