[Java] Annotation Type Option

  • groovy.cli.Option

Indicates that a method or property can be used to set a CLI option.

Element Summary

Optional Element Summary
Type Name and Description
Class convert
A conversion closure to convert the incoming String into the desired object
String defaultValue
The default value for this option as a String; subject to type conversion and 'convert'.
String description
The description of this option
String longName
The long name of this option.
int numberOfArguments
How many arguments this option has.
String numberOfArgumentsString
How many arguments this option has represented as a String.
boolean optionalArg
Whether this option can have an optional argument.
String shortName
The short name of this option.
String valueSeparator
The value separator for this multi-valued option.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Element Detail

public Class convert

A conversion closure to convert the incoming String into the desired object @default .CLASS.class

the closure to convert this option's argument(s)

public String defaultValue

The default value for this option as a String; subject to type conversion and 'convert'. Ignored for Boolean options. @default ""

the default value for this option

public String description

The description of this option @default ""

the description of this option

public String longName

The long name of this option. Defaults to the name of member being annotated. @default ""

the long name of this option

public int numberOfArguments

How many arguments this option has. A value greater than 1 is only allowed for array-typed arguments. Ignored for boolean options which are assumed to have a default of 0 or if numberOfArgumentsString is set. @default 1

the number of arguments

public String numberOfArgumentsString

How many arguments this option has represented as a String. Only allowed for array-typed arguments. Overrides numberOfArguments if set. The special values of '+' means one or more and '*' as 0 or more. @default ""

the number of arguments (as a String)

public boolean optionalArg

Whether this option can have an optional argument. Only supported for array-typed arguments to indicate that the array may be empty. @default false

true if this array-typed option can have an optional argument (i.e. could be empty)

public String shortName

The short name of this option. Defaults to the name of member being annotated if the longName is empty. @default ""

the short name of this option

public String valueSeparator

The value separator for this multi-valued option. Only allowed for array-typed arguments. @default ""

the value separator for this multi-valued option

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