QMultiSampleAntiAliasing Class
class Qt3DRender::QMultiSampleAntiAliasingEnable multisample antialiasing. More...
Header: | #include <QMultiSampleAntiAliasing> |
CMake: | find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS 3drender REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::3drender) |
qmake: | QT += 3drender |
Since: | Qt 5.7 |
Instantiated By: | MultiSampleAntiAliasing |
Inherits: | Qt3DRender::QRenderState |
Public Functions
QMultiSampleAntiAliasing(Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr) |
Detailed Description
A Qt3DRender::QMultiSampleAntiAliasing class enables multisample antialiasing.
It can be added to a QRenderPass by calling QRenderPass::addRenderState():
QRenderPass *renderPass = new QRenderPass(); QMultiSampleAntiAliasing *msaa = new QMultiSampleAntiAliasing(); renderPass->addRenderState(msaa);
Or a QRenderStateSet by calling QRenderStateSet::addRenderState():
QRenderStateSet *renderStateSet = new QRenderStateSet(); QMultiSampleAntiAliasing *msaa = new QMultiSampleAntiAliasing(); renderStateSet->addRenderState(msaa);
For multisampling to take effect, the render target must have been allocated with multisampling enabled:
QTexture2DMultisample *colorTex = new QTexture2DMultisample; colorTex->setFormat(QAbstractTexture::RGBA8_UNorm); colorTex->setWidth(1024); colorTex->setHeight(1024); QRenderTargetOutput *color = new QRenderTargetOutput; color->setAttachmentPoint(QRenderTargetOutput::Color0); color->setTexture(colorTex); QTexture2DMultisample *depthStencilTex = new QTexture2DMultisample; depthStencilTex->setFormat(QAbstractTexture::RGBA8_UNorm); depthStencilTex->setWidth(1024); depthStencilTex->setHeight(1024); QRenderTargetOutput *depthStencil = new QRenderTargetOutput; depthStencil->setAttachmentPoint(QRenderTargetOutput::DepthStencil); depthStencil->setTexture(depthStencilTex); Qt3DRender::QRenderTarget *renderTarget = new Qt3DRender::QRenderTarget; renderTarget->addOutput(color); renderTarget->addOutput(depthStencil);
Further, the shader code must use multisampling sampler types and texelFetch() instead of texture().
For example, if you have code like
#version 150 uniform sampler2D colorTexture; in vec2 texCoord; out vec4 fragColor; void main() { fragColor = texture(colorTexture, texCoord); }
you can rewrite it as
#version 150 uniform sampler2DMS colorTexture; in vec2 texCoord; out vec4 fragColor; void main() { ivec2 tc = ivec2(floor(textureSize(colorTexture) * texCoord)); vec4 c = texelFetch(colorTexture, tc, 0) + texelFetch(colorTexture, tc, 1) + texelFetch(colorTexture, tc, 2) + texelFetch(colorTexture, tc, 3); fragColor = c / 4.0; }
Note: When using OpenGL as the graphics API, glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE) will be called if QMultiSampleAntiAliasing has been added to the render states.
Member Function Documentation
QMultiSampleAntiAliasing::QMultiSampleAntiAliasing(Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)
The constructor creates a new QMultiSampleAntiAliasing::QMultiSampleAntiAliasing instance with the specified parent.
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