SkyboxEntity QML Type
SkyboxEntity is a convenience Entity subclass that can be used to insert a skybox in a 3D scene. More...
Import Statement: | import Qt3D.Extras 2.1 |
Since: | Qt 5.5 |
Instantiates: | QSkyboxEntity |
Detailed Description
By specifying a base name and an extension, SkyboxEntity will take care of building a TextureCubeMap to be rendered at runtime. The images in the source directory should match the pattern: base name + * "_posx|_posy|_posz|_negx|_negy|_negz" + extension
By default the extension defaults to .png.
Be sure to disable frustum culling in the FrameGraph through which the skybox rendering happens.
Note: Please note that you shouldn't try to render a skybox with an orthographic projection.
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