RandomInstancing QML Type

Generates a random instancing table. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick3D.Helpers .



Detailed Description

The RandomInstancing type provides an easy way to generate a large number of random instances within defined bounds. The number of instances is defined by the instanceCount property. The bounds are defined by the properties position, scale, rotation, color, and customData.

See also InstanceList.

Property Documentation

color : InstanceRange

This property is under development and is subject to change.

The color property defines the color variation range for the generated instances. Thew type is color. Set InstanceRange.proportional to true for monochrome colors. The default value is empty, causing the color to be white.

See also position, rotation, scale, and customData.

customData : InstanceRange

This property is under development and is subject to change.

The customData property defines the custom data variation range for the generated instances. The type is vector4d. The default value is empty, causing causing the generated data to be [0, 0, 0, 0].

See also position, color, rotation, scale, and customData.

instanceCount : int

This property is under development and is subject to change.

The instanceCount property specifies the number of instances to generate. Changing this value will regenerate the whole table.

See also randomSeed.

position : InstanceRange

This property is under development and is subject to change.

The position property defines the geometrical bounds of the generated instances. The default value is empty, causing a generated position of [0, 0, 0].

See also color, rotation, scale, and customData.

randomSeed : int

This property is under development and is subject to change.

This property defines the seed for the random number generator. Setting this to a value different from -1 guarantees that the instance table will have the same content each time it is generated. Note that adding or changing attributes may cause a completely different table to be generated.

The default value is -1, causing the table to get a new random value each time it is generated.

rotation : InstanceRange

This property is under development and is subject to change.

The rotation property defines the rotation range for the generated instances. The type is vector3d, corresponding to a Euler rotation vector [xRotation, yRotation, zRotation]. The default value is empty, causing no rotation to be applied.

See also position, color, scale, and customData.

scale : InstanceRange

This property is under development and is subject to change.

The scale property defines the scaling limits for the generated instances. The type is vector3d. Set InstanceRange.proportional to true for uniform scaling. The default value is empty, causing no scaling to be applied.

See also position, color, rotation, scale, and customData.

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