QAxisSetting Class

class Qt3DInput::QAxisSetting

QAxisSetting stores settings for the specified list of Axis. More...

Header: #include <QAxisSetting>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS 3dinput REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::3dinput)
qmake: QT += 3dinput
Since: Qt 5.5
Instantiated By: AxisSetting
Inherits: Qt3DCore::QNode


Public Functions

QAxisSetting(Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)
QList<int> axes() const
float deadZoneRadius() const
bool isSmoothEnabled() const

Public Slots

void setAxes(const QList<int> &axes)
void setDeadZoneRadius(float deadZoneRadius)
void setSmoothEnabled(bool enabled)


void axesChanged(const QList<int> &axes)
void deadZoneRadiusChanged(float deadZoneRadius)
void smoothChanged(bool smooth)

Detailed Description

Stores the dead zone associated with this axis and defines if smoothing is enabled

Property Documentation

axes : QList<int>

Access functions:

QList<int> axes() const
void setAxes(const QList<int> &axes)

Notifier signal:

void axesChanged(const QList<int> &axes)

deadZoneRadius : float

Access functions:

float deadZoneRadius() const
void setDeadZoneRadius(float deadZoneRadius)

Notifier signal:

void deadZoneRadiusChanged(float deadZoneRadius)

smooth : bool

Access functions:

bool isSmoothEnabled() const
void setSmoothEnabled(bool enabled)

Notifier signal:

void smoothChanged(bool smooth)

Member Function Documentation

QAxisSetting::QAxisSetting(Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new QAxisSetting instance with parent.

[signal] void QAxisSetting::axesChanged(const QList<int> &axes)

This signal is emitted when the axes associated with the axis setting is changed to axes.

Note: Notifier signal for property axes.

[signal] void QAxisSetting::deadZoneRadiusChanged(float deadZoneRadius)

This signal is emitted when the Dead Zone radius associated with the axis setting is changed to deadZoneRadius.

Note: Notifier signal for property deadZoneRadius.

[slot] void QAxisSetting::setAxes(const QList<int> &axes)

Set the current axes of the QAxisSetting instance to axes.

Note: Setter function for property axes.

See also axes().

[slot] void QAxisSetting::setDeadZoneRadius(float deadZoneRadius)

Set the current dead zone radius of the QAxisSetting instance to deadZoneRadius.

Note: Setter function for property deadZoneRadius.

See also deadZoneRadius().

[slot] void QAxisSetting::setSmoothEnabled(bool enabled)

Set the current state of the QAxisSettings smoothing to enabled.

Note: Setter function for property smooth.

See also isSmoothEnabled().

[signal] void QAxisSetting::smoothChanged(bool smooth)

This signal is emitted when the smoothing state is changed to smooth.

Note: Notifier signal for property smooth.

QList<int> QAxisSetting::axes() const

QAxisSetting::axes Returns the current list of Axis these settings apply to.

Note: Getter function for property axes.

See also setAxes().

float QAxisSetting::deadZoneRadius() const

QAxisSetting::deadZoneRadius Returns the set dead zone radius.

Note: Getter function for property deadZoneRadius.

See also setDeadZoneRadius().

bool QAxisSetting::isSmoothEnabled() const

QAxisSetting::isSmoothEnabled Returns if smoothing is enabled.

Note: Getter function for property smooth.

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