ColorGradient QML Type
Defines a color gradient. More...
Import Statement: | import QtDataVisualization 1.1 |
Since: | QtDataVisualization 1.0 |
- stops : list<ColorGradientStop>
Detailed Description
A gradient is defined by two or more colors, which will be blended seamlessly.
The colors are specified as a set of ColorGradientStop child items, each of which defines a position on the gradient from 0.0 to 1.0 and a color. The position of each ColorGradientStop is defined by setting its position property; its color is defined using its color property.
A gradient without any gradient stops falls back to QLinearGradient default, which is black at 0.0 and white at 1.0.
See also ColorGradientStop.
Property Documentation
stops : list<ColorGradientStop>
This property holds the gradient stops describing the gradient.
By default, this property contains an empty list.
To set the gradient stops, define them as children of the ColorGradient.
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