

                  [INCLUDE plugin ...]
                  [EXCLUDE plugin ...]
                  [INCLUDE_BY_TYPE plugin_type plugin ...]
                  [EXCLUDE_BY_TYPE plugin_type])

                  [INCLUDE plugin ...]
                  [EXCLUDE plugin ...]
                  [INCLUDE_BY_TYPE plugin_type plugin ...]
                  [EXCLUDE_BY_TYPE plugin_type])


Specifies a custom set of plugins to import. The optional arguments: INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, INCLUDE_BY_TYPE, and EXCLUDE_BY_TYPE, can be used more than once.

  • INCLUDE -- can be used to specify a list of plugins to import.
  • EXCLUDE -- can be used to specify a list of plugins to exclude.
  • INCLUDE_BY_TYPE -- can be used to override the list of plugins to import for a certain plugin type.
  • EXCLUDE_BY_TYPE -- can be used to specify a plugin type to exclude; then no plugins of that type are imported.

Qt provides plugin types such as imageformats, platforms, and sqldrivers.

If the command isn't used the target automatically links against a sane set of default plugins, for each Qt module that the target is linked against. For more information, see target_link_libraries.

Each plugin comes with a C++ stub file that automatically initializes the plugin. Consequently, any target that links against a plugin has this C++ file added to its SOURCES.

Note: This command imports plugins from static Qt builds only. On shared builds, it does nothing.


add_executable(myapp main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(myapp Qt5::Gui Qt5::Sql)
    INCLUDE Qt5::QCocoaIntegrationPlugin
    EXCLUDE Qt5::QMinimalIntegrationPlugin
    INCLUDE_BY_TYPE imageformats Qt5::QGifPlugin Qt5::QJpegPlugin
    EXCLUDE_BY_TYPE sqldrivers

In the snippet above, the following occurs with the executable myapp:

  • The Qt6::QCocoaIntegrationPlugin is imported into myapp.
  • The Qt6::QMinimalIntegrationPlugin plugin is excluded from being automatically imported into myapp.
  • The default list of plugins for imageformats is overridden to only include Qt6::QGifPlugin and Qt6::QJpegPlugin.
  • All sqldrivers plugins are excluded from automatic importing.

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Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3.