QSGGeometry Class
The QSGGeometry class provides low-level storage for graphics primitives in the Qt Quick Scene Graph. More...
Header: | #include <QSGGeometry> |
CMake: | find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Quick REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Quick) |
qmake: | QT += quick |
Public Types
struct | Attribute |
struct | AttributeSet |
struct | ColoredPoint2D |
struct | Point2D |
struct | TexturedPoint2D |
enum | AttributeType { UnknownAttribute, PositionAttribute, ColorAttribute, TexCoordAttribute, TexCoord1Attribute, TexCoord2Attribute } |
enum | DataPattern { AlwaysUploadPattern, DynamicPattern, StaticPattern, StreamPattern } |
enum | DrawingMode { DrawPoints, DrawLines, DrawLineLoop, DrawLineStrip, DrawTriangles, …, DrawTriangleFan } |
enum | Type { ByteType, UnsignedByteType, ShortType, UnsignedShortType, IntType, …, DoubleType } |
Public Functions
QSGGeometry(const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &attributes, int vertexCount, int indexCount = 0, int indexType = UnsignedShortType) | |
virtual | ~QSGGeometry() |
void | allocate(int vertexCount, int indexCount = 0) |
int | attributeCount() const |
const QSGGeometry::Attribute * | attributes() const |
unsigned int | drawingMode() const |
int | indexCount() const |
void * | indexData() |
const void * | indexData() const |
uint * | indexDataAsUInt() |
const uint * | indexDataAsUInt() const |
quint16 * | indexDataAsUShort() |
const quint16 * | indexDataAsUShort() const |
QSGGeometry::DataPattern | indexDataPattern() const |
int | indexType() const |
float | lineWidth() const |
void | markIndexDataDirty() |
void | markVertexDataDirty() |
void | setDrawingMode(unsigned int mode) |
void | setIndexDataPattern(QSGGeometry::DataPattern p) |
void | setLineWidth(float width) |
void | setVertexDataPattern(QSGGeometry::DataPattern p) |
int | sizeOfIndex() const |
int | sizeOfVertex() const |
int | vertexCount() const |
void * | vertexData() |
const void * | vertexData() const |
QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D * | vertexDataAsColoredPoint2D() |
const QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D * | vertexDataAsColoredPoint2D() const |
QSGGeometry::Point2D * | vertexDataAsPoint2D() |
const QSGGeometry::Point2D * | vertexDataAsPoint2D() const |
QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D * | vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D() |
const QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D * | vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D() const |
QSGGeometry::DataPattern | vertexDataPattern() const |
Static Public Members
const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet & | defaultAttributes_ColoredPoint2D() |
const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet & | defaultAttributes_Point2D() |
const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet & | defaultAttributes_TexturedPoint2D() |
void | updateColoredRectGeometry(QSGGeometry *g, const QRectF &rect) |
void | updateRectGeometry(QSGGeometry *g, const QRectF &rect) |
void | updateTexturedRectGeometry(QSGGeometry *g, const QRectF &rect, const QRectF &textureRect) |
Detailed Description
The QSGGeometry class stores the geometry of the primitives rendered with the scene graph. It contains vertex data and optionally index data. The mode used to draw the geometry, also called primitive topology, is specified with setDrawingMode().
Vertices can be as simple as points defined by x and y values or can be more complex where each vertex contains a normal, texture coordinates and a 3D position. The QSGGeometry::AttributeSet is used to describe how the vertex data is built up. The attribute set can only be specified on construction. The QSGGeometry class provides a few convenience attributes and attribute sets by default. The defaultAttributes_Point2D() function returns an attribute set to be used in normal solid color rectangles, while the defaultAttributes_TexturedPoint2D function returns attributes to be used for textured 2D geometry. The vertex data is internally stored as a void *
and is accessible with the vertexData() function. Convenience accessors for the common attribute sets are available with vertexDataAsPoint2D() and vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D(). Vertex data is allocated by passing a vertex count to the constructor or by calling allocate() later.
The QSGGeometry can optionally contain indices of either unsigned 32-bit, unsigned 16-bit, or unsigned 8-bit integers. The index type must be specified during construction and cannot be changed.
Below is a snippet illustrating how a geometry composed of position and color vertices can be built.
struct MyPoint2D { float x; float y; float r; float g; float b; float a; void set(float x_, float y_, float r_, float g_, float b_, float a_) { x = x_; y = y_; r = r_; g = g_; b = b_; a = a_; } }; QSGGeometry::Attribute MyPoint2D_Attributes[] = { QSGGeometry::Attribute::create(0, 2, FloatType, true), QSGGeometry::Attribute::create(1, 4, FloatType, false) }; QSGGeometry::AttributeSet MyPoint2D_AttributeSet = { 2, sizeof(MyPoint2D), MyPoint2D_Attributes }; ... geometry = new QSGGeometry(MyPoint2D_AttributeSet, 2); geometry->setDrawingMode(DrawLines); MyPoint2D *vertices = static_cast<MyPoint2D *>(geometry->vertexData()); vertices[0].set(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1); vertices[1].set(width(), height(), 0, 0, 1, 1);
The QSGGeometry is a software buffer and client-side in terms of accelerated rendering, as the buffers used in 2D graphics typically consist of many small buffers that change every frame and do not benefit from being uploaded to graphics memory. However, the QSGGeometry supports hinting to the renderer that a buffer should be uploaded using the setVertexDataPattern() and setIndexDataPattern() functions. Whether this hint is respected or not is implementation specific.
Note: All classes with QSG prefix should be used solely on the scene graph's rendering thread. See Scene Graph and Rendering for more information.
See also QSGGeometryNode and Scene Graph - Custom Geometry.
Member Type Documentation
enum QSGGeometry::AttributeType
This enum identifies several attribute types.
Constant | Value | Description |
QSGGeometry::UnknownAttribute |
0 |
Don't care |
QSGGeometry::PositionAttribute |
1 |
Position |
QSGGeometry::ColorAttribute |
2 |
Color |
QSGGeometry::TexCoordAttribute |
3 |
Texture coordinate |
QSGGeometry::TexCoord1Attribute |
4 |
Texture coordinate 1 |
QSGGeometry::TexCoord2Attribute |
5 |
Texture coordinate 2 |
enum QSGGeometry::DataPattern
The DataPattern enum is used to specify the use pattern for the vertex and index data in a geometry object.
Constant | Value | Description |
QSGGeometry::AlwaysUploadPattern |
0 |
The data is always uploaded. This means that the user does not need to explicitly mark index and vertex data as dirty after changing it. This is the default. |
QSGGeometry::DynamicPattern |
2 |
The data is modified repeatedly and drawn many times. This is a hint that may provide better performance. When set the user must make sure to mark the data as dirty after changing it. |
QSGGeometry::StaticPattern |
3 |
The data is modified once and drawn many times. This is a hint that may provide better performance. When set the user must make sure to mark the data as dirty after changing it. |
QSGGeometry::StreamPattern |
1 |
The data is modified for almost every time it is drawn. This is a hint that may provide better performance. When set, the user must make sure to mark the data as dirty after changing it. |
enum QSGGeometry::DrawingMode
Specifies the drawing mode, also called primitive topology.
Constant | Value |
QSGGeometry::DrawPoints |
0x0000 |
QSGGeometry::DrawLines |
0x0001 |
QSGGeometry::DrawLineLoop |
0x0002 |
QSGGeometry::DrawLineStrip |
0x0003 |
QSGGeometry::DrawTriangles |
0x0004 |
QSGGeometry::DrawTriangleStrip |
0x0005 |
QSGGeometry::DrawTriangleFan |
0x0006 |
enum QSGGeometry::Type
Specifies the component type in the vertex data.
Constant | Value | Description |
QSGGeometry::ByteType |
0x1400 |
QSGGeometry::UnsignedByteType |
0x1401 |
QSGGeometry::ShortType |
0x1402 |
QSGGeometry::UnsignedShortType |
0x1403 |
QSGGeometry::IntType |
0x1404 |
QSGGeometry::UnsignedIntType |
0x1405 |
QSGGeometry::FloatType |
0x1406 |
QSGGeometry::Bytes2Type |
0x1407 |
Added in Qt 5.14. |
QSGGeometry::Bytes3Type |
0x1408 |
Added in Qt 5.14. |
QSGGeometry::Bytes4Type |
0x1409 |
Added in Qt 5.14. |
QSGGeometry::DoubleType |
0x140A |
Added in Qt 5.14. |
Member Function Documentation
QSGGeometry::QSGGeometry(const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &attributes, int vertexCount, int indexCount = 0, int indexType = UnsignedShortType)
Constructs a geometry object based on attributes.
The object allocate space for vertexCount vertices based on the accumulated size in attributes and for indexCount.
The indexType can be UnsignedShortType or UnsignedIntType
. Support for the latter depends on the graphics API implementation used at run time, and may not always be available.
Geometry objects are constructed by default with DrawTriangleStrip as the drawing mode.
The attribute structure is assumed to be POD and the geometry object assumes this will not go away. There is no memory management involved.
Destroys the geometry object and the vertex and index data it has allocated.
void QSGGeometry::allocate(int vertexCount, int indexCount = 0)
Resizes the vertex and index data of this geometry object to fit vertexCount vertices and indexCount indices.
Vertex and index data will be invalidated after this call and the caller must mark the associated geometry node as dirty, by calling node->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyGeometry) to ensure that the renderer has a chance to update internal buffers.
int QSGGeometry::attributeCount() const
Returns the number of attributes in the attrbute set used by this geometry.
const QSGGeometry::Attribute *QSGGeometry::attributes() const
Returns an array with the attributes of this geometry. The size of the array is given with attributeCount().
const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_ColoredPoint2D()
Convenience function which returns attributes to be used for per vertex colored 2D drawing.
const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D()
Convenience function which returns attributes to be used for 2D solid color drawing.
const QSGGeometry::AttributeSet &QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_TexturedPoint2D()
Convenience function which returns attributes to be used for textured 2D drawing.
unsigned int QSGGeometry::drawingMode() const
Returns the drawing mode of this geometry.
The default value is DrawTriangleStrip.
See also setDrawingMode().
int QSGGeometry::indexCount() const
Returns the number of indices in this geometry object.
void *QSGGeometry::indexData()
Returns a pointer to the raw index data of this geometry object.
See also indexDataAsUShort() and indexDataAsUInt().
const void *QSGGeometry::indexData() const
Returns a pointer to the raw index data of this geometry object.
See also indexDataAsUShort() and indexDataAsUInt().
uint *QSGGeometry::indexDataAsUInt()
Convenience function to access the index data as a mutable array of 32-bit unsigned integers.
const uint *QSGGeometry::indexDataAsUInt() const
Convenience function to access the index data as an immutable array of 32-bit unsigned integers.
quint16 *QSGGeometry::indexDataAsUShort()
Convenience function to access the index data as a mutable array of 16-bit unsigned integers.
const quint16 *QSGGeometry::indexDataAsUShort() const
Convenience function to access the index data as an immutable array of 16-bit unsigned integers.
QSGGeometry::DataPattern QSGGeometry::indexDataPattern() const
Returns the usage pattern for indices in this geometry. The default pattern is AlwaysUploadPattern.
See also setIndexDataPattern().
int QSGGeometry::indexType() const
Returns the primitive type used for indices in this geometry object.
float QSGGeometry::lineWidth() const
Gets the current line or point width or to be used for this geometry. This property only applies to line width when the drawingMode is DrawLines, DarwLineStrip, or DrawLineLoop. When supported, it also applies to point size when the drawingMode is DrawPoints.
The default value is 1.0
Note: Support for point and line drawing may be limited at run time, depending on the platform and graphics API. For example, some APIs do not support point sprites and so setting a size other than 1 is not possible.
Note: The width of 1.0
is always supported.
See also setLineWidth() and drawingMode().
void QSGGeometry::markIndexDataDirty()
Mark that the vertices in this geometry has changed and must be uploaded again.
This function only has an effect when the usage pattern for vertices is StaticData and the renderer that renders this geometry uploads the geometry into Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs).
void QSGGeometry::markVertexDataDirty()
Mark that the vertices in this geometry has changed and must be uploaded again.
This function only has an effect when the usage pattern for vertices is StaticData and the renderer that renders this geometry uploads the geometry into Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs).
void QSGGeometry::setDrawingMode(unsigned int mode)
Sets the mode to be used for drawing this geometry.
The default value is QSGGeometry::DrawTriangleStrip.
See also drawingMode() and DrawingMode.
void QSGGeometry::setIndexDataPattern(QSGGeometry::DataPattern p)
Sets the usage pattern for indices to p.
The default is AlwaysUploadPattern. When set to anything other than the default, the user must call markIndexDataDirty() after changing the index data, in addition to calling QSGNode::markDirty() with QSGNode::DirtyGeometry.
See also indexDataPattern().
void QSGGeometry::setLineWidth(float width)
Sets the line or point width to be used for this geometry to width. This property only applies to line width when the drawingMode is DrawLines, DrawLineStrip, or DrawLineLoop. When supported, it also applies to point size when the drawingMode is DrawPoints.
Note: Support for point and line drawing may be limited at run time, depending on the platform and graphics API. For example, some APIs do not support point sprites and so setting a size other than 1 is not possible.
Note: The width of 1.0
is always supported.
See also lineWidth() and drawingMode().
void QSGGeometry::setVertexDataPattern(QSGGeometry::DataPattern p)
Sets the usage pattern for vertices to p.
The default is AlwaysUploadPattern. When set to anything other than the default, the user must call markVertexDataDirty() after changing the vertex data, in addition to calling QSGNode::markDirty() with QSGNode::DirtyGeometry.
See also vertexDataPattern().
int QSGGeometry::sizeOfIndex() const
Returns the byte size of the index type.
This value is either 2
when the index type is UnsignedShortType, or 4
when the index type is UnsignedIntType.
int QSGGeometry::sizeOfVertex() const
Returns the size in bytes of one vertex.
This value comes from the attributes.
void QSGGeometry::updateColoredRectGeometry(QSGGeometry *g, const QRectF &rect)
Updates the geometry g with the coordinates in rect.
The function assumes the geometry object contains a single triangle strip of QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D vertices
void QSGGeometry::updateRectGeometry(QSGGeometry *g, const QRectF &rect)
Updates the geometry g with the coordinates in rect.
The function assumes the geometry object contains a single triangle strip of QSGGeometry::Point2D vertices
void QSGGeometry::updateTexturedRectGeometry(QSGGeometry *g, const QRectF &rect, const QRectF &textureRect)
Updates the geometry g with the coordinates in rect and texture coordinates from textureRect.
textureRect should be in normalized coordinates.
g is assumed to be a triangle strip of four vertices of type QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D.
int QSGGeometry::vertexCount() const
Returns the number of vertices in this geometry object.
void *QSGGeometry::vertexData()
Returns a pointer to the raw vertex data of this geometry object.
See also vertexDataAsPoint2D() and vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D().
const void *QSGGeometry::vertexData() const
Returns a pointer to the raw vertex data of this geometry object.
See also vertexDataAsPoint2D() and vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D().
QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D *QSGGeometry::vertexDataAsColoredPoint2D()
Convenience function to access the vertex data as a mutable array of QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D.
const QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D *QSGGeometry::vertexDataAsColoredPoint2D() const
Convenience function to access the vertex data as an immutable array of QSGGeometry::ColoredPoint2D.
QSGGeometry::Point2D *QSGGeometry::vertexDataAsPoint2D()
Convenience function to access the vertex data as a mutable array of QSGGeometry::Point2D.
const QSGGeometry::Point2D *QSGGeometry::vertexDataAsPoint2D() const
Convenience function to access the vertex data as an immutable array of QSGGeometry::Point2D.
QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D *QSGGeometry::vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D()
Convenience function to access the vertex data as a mutable array of QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D.
const QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D *QSGGeometry::vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D() const
Convenience function to access the vertex data as an immutable array of QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D.
QSGGeometry::DataPattern QSGGeometry::vertexDataPattern() const
Returns the usage pattern for vertices in this geometry. The default pattern is AlwaysUploadPattern.
See also setVertexDataPattern().
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