AttenuationModelInverse QML Type

Defines a non-linear attenuation curve for a Sound. More...

Import Statement: import QtAudioEngine 1.1
Since: Qt 5.0



Detailed Description

AttenuationModelInverse must be defined inside AudioEngine or be added to it using AudioEngine.addAttenuationModel() if AttenuationModelInverse is created dynamically.

Rectangle {
    width: 300
    height: 500

    AudioEngine {

        AttenuationModelInverse {
           start: 20
           end: 500
           rolloff: 1.5

        AudioSample {
            source: "explosion-02.wav"

        Sound {
            attenuationModel: "linear"
            PlayVariation {

Attenuation factor is calculated as below:

distance: distance from sound to listener d = min(max(distance, start), end); attenuation = start / (start + (d - start) * rolloff);

Property Documentation

end : real

This property holds the end distance. There will be no further attenuation if the distance from sound to listener is larger than this. The default value is 1000.

name : string

This property holds the name of AttenuationModelInverse, must be unique among all attenuation models and only defined once.

rolloff : real

This property holds the rolloff factor. The bigger the value is, the faster the sound attenuates. The default value is 1.

start : real

This property holds the start distance. There will be no attenuation if the distance from sound to listener is within this range. The default value is 1.

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