Slider QML Type

A slider control. More...

Import Statement: import Qt.labs.controls 1.0




Detailed Description

Slider is used to select a value by sliding a handle along a track.

A slider in its normal state.

A slider that has active focus.

A slider that is disabled.
Slider {
    value: 0.5

Note: Types in the Qt.labs module are not guaranteed to remain compatible in future versions.

See also Customizing Slider and Input Controls.

Property Documentation

from : real

This property holds the starting value for the range. The default value is 0.0.

See also to and value.

handle : Item

This property holds the handle item.

See also Customizing Slider.

orientation : enumeration

This property holds the orientation.

Possible values:

Constant Description
Qt.Horizontal Horizontal (default)
Qt.Vertical Vertical

[read-only] position : real

This property holds the logical position of the handle.

The position is defined as a percentage of the control's size, scaled to 0.0 - 1.0. Unlike the value property, the position is continuously updated while the handle is dragged. For visualizing a slider, the right-to-left aware visualPosition should be used instead.

See also value and visualPosition.

pressed : bool

This property holds whether the slider is pressed.

snapMode : enumeration

This property holds the snap mode.

Possible values:

Constant Description
Slider.NoSnap The slider does not snap (default).
Slider.SnapAlways The slider snaps while the handle is dragged.
Slider.SnapOnRelease The slider does not snap while being dragged, but only after the handle is released.

See also stepSize.

stepSize : real

This property holds the step size. The default value is 0.0.

See also snapMode, increase(), and decrease().

to : real

This property holds the end value for the range. The default value is 1.0.

See also from and value.

track : Item

This property holds the track item.

See also Customizing Slider.

value : real

This property holds the value in the range from - to. The default value is 0.0.

Unlike the position property, the value is not updated while the handle is dragged. The value is updated after the value has been chosen and the slider has been released.

See also position.

[read-only] visualPosition : real

This property holds the visual position of the handle.

The position is defined as a percentage of the control's size, scaled to 0.0 - 1.0. When the control is mirrored, the value is equal to 1.0 - position. This makes the value suitable for visualizing the slider, taking right-to-left support into account.

See also position.

Method Documentation

void decrease()

Decreases the value by stepSize or 0.1 if stepSize is not defined.

See also stepSize.

void increase()

Increases the value by stepSize or 0.1 if stepSize is not defined.

See also stepSize.

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