QCanBusFrame Class

QCanBusFrame is a container class representing a single CAN frame. More...

Header: #include <QCanBusFrame>
qmake: QT += serialbus
Since: Qt 5.6

Public Types

class TimeStamp
enum FrameError { NoError, TransmissionTimeoutError, LostArbitrationError, ControllerError, ..., AnyError }
flags FrameErrors
enum FrameType { UnknownFrame, DataFrame, ErrorFrame, RemoteRequestFrame, InvalidFrame }

Public Functions

QCanBusFrame(QCanBusFrame::FrameType type)
QCanBusFrame(quint32 identifier = 0, const QByteArray &data = QByteArray())
QCanBusFrame::FrameErrors error() const
quint32 frameId() const
FrameType frameType() const
bool hasExtendedFrameFormat() const
bool isValid() const
QByteArray payload() const
void setError(QCanBusFrame::FrameErrors error)
void setExtendedFrameFormat(bool isExtended)
void setFrameId(quint32 newFrameId)
void setFrameType(FrameType newType)
void setPayload(const QByteArray &data)
void setTimeStamp(const TimeStamp &ts)
TimeStamp timeStamp() const
QDataStream & operator<<(QDataStream &out, const QCanBusFrame &frame)
QDataStream & operator>>(QDataStream &in, QCanBusFrame &frame)

Detailed Description

QCanBusFrame is a container class representing a single CAN frame.

QCanBusDevice can use QCanBusFrame for read and write operations. It contains the frame identifier and the data payload. QCanBusFrame contains the timestamp of the moment it was read.

See also QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp.

Member Type Documentation

enum QCanBusFrame::FrameErrorflags QCanBusFrame::FrameErrors

This enum describes the possible error types.

Constant Value Description
QCanBusFrame::NoError 0 No error has occurred.
QCanBusFrame::TransmissionTimeoutError ( 1<<0 ) The transmission has timed out.
QCanBusFrame::LostArbitrationError ( 1<<1 ) The frame could not be sent due to lost arbitration on the bus.
QCanBusFrame::ControllerError ( 1<<2 ) The controller encountered an error.
QCanBusFrame::ProtocolViolationError ( 1<<3 ) A protocol violation has occurred.
QCanBusFrame::TransceiverError ( 1<<4 ) A transceiver error occurred
QCanBusFrame::MissingAcknowledgmentError ( 1<<5 ) The transmission received no acknowledgment.
QCanBusFrame::BusOffError ( 1<<6 ) The CAN bus is offline.
QCanBusFrame::BusError ( 1<<7 ) A CAN bus error occurred.
QCanBusFrame::ControllerRestartError ( 1<<8 ) The controller restarted.
QCanBusFrame::UnknownError ( 1<<9 ) An unknown error has occurred.
QCanBusFrame::AnyError 0x1FFFFFFFU Matches every other error type.

The FrameErrors type is a typedef for QFlags<FrameError>. It stores an OR combination of FrameError values.

enum QCanBusFrame::FrameType

This enum describes the type of the CAN frame.

Constant Value Description
QCanBusFrame::UnknownFrame 0x0 The frame type is unknown.
QCanBusFrame::DataFrame 0x1 This value represents a data frame.
QCanBusFrame::ErrorFrame 0x2 This value represents an error frame.
QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame 0x3 This value represents a remote request.
QCanBusFrame::InvalidFrame 0x4 This value represents an invalid frame. This type is used for error reporting.

See also setFrameType().

Member Function Documentation

QCanBusFrame::QCanBusFrame(QCanBusFrame::FrameType type)

Constructs a CAN frame of the specified type.

QCanBusFrame::QCanBusFrame(quint32 identifier = 0, const QByteArray &data = QByteArray())

Constructs a CAN frame using identifier as the frame identifier and data as the payload.

QCanBusFrame::FrameErrors QCanBusFrame::error() const

Returns the error of the current error frame. If the frame is not an ErrorFrame, this function returns NoError.

See also setError().

quint32 QCanBusFrame::frameId() const

Returns the CAN frame identifier. If the CAN frame uses the extended frame format, the identifier has a maximum of 29 bits; otherwise 11 bits.

If the frame is of ErrorFrame type, this ID is always 0.

See also setFrameId() and hasExtendedFrameFormat().

FrameType QCanBusFrame::frameType() const

Returns the type of the frame.

See also setFrameType().

bool QCanBusFrame::hasExtendedFrameFormat() const

Returns true if the CAN frame uses a 29bit identifier; otherwise false, implying an 11bit identifier.

See also setExtendedFrameFormat() and frameId().

bool QCanBusFrame::isValid() const

Returns false if the frameType() is InvalidFrame, the hasExtendedFrameFormat() is not set although frameId() is longer than 11 bit or the payload is longer than the maximal permitted payload length of 64 byte.

Otherwise this function returns true.

QByteArray QCanBusFrame::payload() const

Returns the data payload of the frame.

See also setPayload().

void QCanBusFrame::setError(QCanBusFrame::FrameErrors error)

Sets the frame's error type. This function does nothing if frameType() is not an ErrorFrame.

See also error().

void QCanBusFrame::setExtendedFrameFormat(bool isExtended)

Sets the extended frame format flag to isExtended.

See also hasExtendedFrameFormat().

void QCanBusFrame::setFrameId(quint32 newFrameId)

Sets the identifier of the CAN frame to newFrameId. The maximum size of a CAN frame identifier is 11 bits, which can be extended up to 29 bits by supporting the CAN extended frame format. The CAN extended frame format setting is automatically adapted to match newFrameId.

See also frameId() and hasExtendedFrameFormat().

void QCanBusFrame::setFrameType(FrameType newType)

Sets the type of the frame to newType.

See also frameType().

void QCanBusFrame::setPayload(const QByteArray &data)

Sets data as the payload for the CAN frame. The maximum size of payload is 8 bytes, which can be extended up to 64 bytes by supporting Flexible Data-Rate. Flexible Data-Rate has to be enabled on the QCanBusDevice by setting the QCanBusDevice::CanFdKey.

Frames of type RemoteRequestFrame (RTR) do not have a payload. However they have to provide an indication of the responses expected payload length. To set the length expection it is necessary to set a fake payload whose length matches the expected payload length of the response. One way of doing this might be as follows:

QCanBusFrame frame(QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame);
int expectedResponseLength = ...;
frame.setPayload(QByteArray(expectedResponseLength, 0));

See also payload().

void QCanBusFrame::setTimeStamp(const TimeStamp &ts)

Sets ts as the timestamp for the CAN frame. Usually, this function is not needed, because the timestamp is created during the read operation and not needed during the write operation.

See also timeStamp() and QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp.

TimeStamp QCanBusFrame::timeStamp() const

Returns the timestamp of the frame.

See also QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp and QCanBusFrame::setTimeStamp().

Related Non-Members

QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const QCanBusFrame &frame)

Writes a frame to the stream (out) and returns a reference to the it.

QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, QCanBusFrame &frame)

Reads a frame from the stream (in) and returns a reference to the it.

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