ProgressBar QML Type

A progress bar control. More...

Import Statement: import Qt.labs.controls 1.0



Detailed Description

ProgressBar indicates the progress of an operation.

A progress bar in its normal state.

A progress bar that is disabled.
ProgressBar {
    value: 0.5

Note: Types in the Qt.labs module are not guaranteed to remain compatible in future versions.

See also Customizing ProgressBar.

Property Documentation

from : real

This property holds the starting value for the progress. The default value is 0.0.

See also to and value.

indeterminate : bool

This property holds whether the progress bar is in an indeterminate mode.

indicator : Item

This property holds the indicator item.

See also Customizing ProgressBar.

[read-only] position : real

This property holds the logical position of the progress.

The position is defined as a percentage of the value, scaled to 0.0 - 1.0. For visualizing the progress, the right-to-left aware visualPosition should be used instead.

See also value and visualPosition.

to : real

This property holds the end value for the progress. The default value is 1.0.

See also from and value.

value : real

This property holds the progress value. The default value is 0.0.

See also from, to, and position.

[read-only] visualPosition : real

This property holds the visual position of the progress.

The position is defined as a percentage of the value, scaled to 0.0 - 1.0. When the control is mirrored, visuaPosition is equal to 1.0 - position. This makes visualPosition suitable for visualizing the progress, taking right-to-left support into account.

See also position and value.

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