Full-Text Index Stopwords
Stopwords are used to provide a list of commonly-used words that can be ignored for the purposes of Full-text-indexes.
Full-text indexes built in MyISAM and InnoDB have different stopword lists by default.
MyISAM Stopwords
For full-text indexes on MyISAM tables, by default, the list is built from the file storage/myisam/ft_static.c
, and searched using the server's character set and collation. The ft_stopword_file system variable allows the default list to be overridden with words from another file, or for stopwords to be ignored altogether.
If the stopword list is changed, any existing full-text indexes need to be rebuilt
The following table shows the default list of stopwords, although you should always treat storage/myisam/ft_static.c
as the definitive list. See the Fulltext Index Overview for more details, and Full-text-indexes for related articles.
a's | able | about | above |
according | accordingly | across | actually |
after | afterwards | again | against |
ain't | all | allow | allows |
almost | alone | along | already |
also | although | always | am |
among | amongst | an | and |
another | any | anybody | anyhow |
anyone | anything | anyway | anyways |
anywhere | apart | appear | appreciate |
appropriate | are | aren't | around |
as | aside | ask | asking |
associated | at | available | away |
awfully | be | became | because |
become | becomes | becoming | been |
before | beforehand | behind | being |
believe | below | beside | besides |
best | better | between | beyond |
both | brief | but | by |
c'mon | c's | came | can |
can't | cannot | cant | cause |
causes | certain | certainly | changes |
clearly | co | com | come |
comes | concerning | consequently | consider |
considering | contain | containing | contains |
corresponding | could | couldn't | course |
currently | definitely | described | despite |
did | didn't | different | do |
does | doesn't | doing | don't |
done | down | downwards | during |
each | edu | eg | eight |
either | else | elsewhere | enough |
entirely | especially | et | etc |
even | ever | every | everybody |
everyone | everything | everywhere | ex |
exactly | example | except | far |
few | fifth | first | five |
followed | following | follows | for |
former | formerly | forth | four |
from | further | furthermore | get |
gets | getting | given | gives |
go | goes | going | gone |
got | gotten | greetings | had |
hadn't | happens | hardly | has |
hasn't | have | haven't | having |
he | he's | hello | help |
hence | her | here | here's |
hereafter | hereby | herein | hereupon |
hers | herself | hi | him |
himself | his | hither | hopefully |
how | howbeit | however | i'd |
i'll | i'm | i've | ie |
if | ignored | immediate | in |
inasmuch | inc | indeed | indicate |
indicated | indicates | inner | insofar |
instead | into | inward | is |
isn't | it | it'd | it'll |
it's | its | itself | just |
keep | keeps | kept | know |
knows | known | last | lately |
later | latter | latterly | least |
less | lest | let | let's |
like | liked | likely | little |
look | looking | looks | ltd |
mainly | many | may | maybe |
me | mean | meanwhile | merely |
might | more | moreover | most |
mostly | much | must | my |
myself | name | namely | nd |
near | nearly | necessary | need |
needs | neither | never | nevertheless |
new | next | nine | no |
nobody | non | none | noone |
nor | normally | not | nothing |
novel | now | nowhere | obviously |
of | off | often | oh |
ok | okay | old | on |
once | one | ones | only |
onto | or | other | others |
otherwise | ought | our | ours |
ourselves | out | outside | over |
overall | own | particular | particularly |
per | perhaps | placed | please |
plus | possible | presumably | probably |
provides | que | quite | qv |
rather | rd | re | really |
reasonably | regarding | regardless | regards |
relatively | respectively | right | said |
same | saw | say | saying |
says | second | secondly | see |
seeing | seem | seemed | seeming |
seems | seen | self | selves |
sensible | sent | serious | seriously |
seven | several | shall | she |
should | shouldn't | since | six |
so | some | somebody | somehow |
someone | something | sometime | sometimes |
somewhat | somewhere | soon | sorry |
specified | specify | specifying | still |
sub | such | sup | sure |
t's | take | taken | tell |
tends | th | than | thank |
thanks | thanx | that | that's |
thats | the | their | theirs |
them | themselves | then | thence |
there | there's | thereafter | thereby |
therefore | therein | theres | thereupon |
these | they | they'd | they'll |
they're | they've | think | third |
this | thorough | thoroughly | those |
though | three | through | throughout |
thru | thus | to | together |
too | took | toward | towards |
tried | tries | truly | try |
trying | twice | two | un |
under | unfortunately | unless | unlikely |
until | unto | up | upon |
us | use | used | useful |
uses | using | usually | value |
various | very | via | viz |
vs | want | wants | was |
wasn't | way | we | we'd |
we'll | we're | we've | welcome |
well | went | were | weren't |
what | what's | whatever | when |
whence | whenever | where | where's |
whereafter | whereas | whereby | wherein |
whereupon | wherever | whether | which |
while | whither | who | who's |
whoever | whole | whom | whose |
why | will | willing | wish |
with | within | without | won't |
wonder | would | wouldn't | yes |
yet | you | you'd | you'll |
you're | you've | your | yours |
yourself | yourselves | zero |
InnoDB Stopwords
Stopwords on full-text indexes are only enabled if the innodb_ft_enable_stopword system variable is set (by default it is) at the time the index was created.
The stopword list is determined as follows:
- If the innodb_ft_user_stopword_table system variable is set, that table is used as a stopword list.
- If
is not set, the table set by innodb_ft_server_stopword_table is used. - If neither variable is set, the built-in list is used, which can be viewed by querying the INNODB_FT_DEFAULT_STOPWORD table in the Information Schema.
In the first two cases, the specified table must exist at the time the system variable is set and the full-text index created. It must be an InnoDB table with a single column, a VARCHAR named VALUE.
The default InnoDB stopword list differs from the default MyISAM list, being much shorter, and contains the following words:
a | about | an | are |
as | at | be | by |
com | de | en | for |
from | how | i | in |
is | it | la | of |
on | or | that | the |
this | to | was | what |
when | where | who | will |
with | und | the | www |
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