CSS Properties Reference
Common CSS Properties Reference
The following is a basic list of the most common CSS properties with the equivalent of the DOM notation which is usually accessed from JavaScript:
Note: This list is incomplete. For more CSS properties see The main CSS reference and Mozilla CSS Extensions. The reference articles also include examples on how to use all the properties.
CSS | JavaScript |
background | background |
background-attachment | backgroundAttachment |
background-color | backgroundColor |
background-image | backgroundImage |
background-position | backgroundPosition |
background-repeat | backgroundRepeat |
border | border |
border-bottom | borderBottom |
border-bottom-color | borderBottomColor |
border-bottom-style | borderBottomStyle |
border-bottom-width | borderBottomWidth |
border-color | borderColor |
border-left | borderLeft |
border-left-color | borderLeftColor |
border-left-style | borderLeftStyle |
border-left-width | borderLeftWidth |
border-right | borderRight |
border-right-color | borderRightColor |
border-right-style | borderRightStyle |
border-right-width | borderRightWidth |
border-style | borderStyle |
border-top | borderTop |
border-top-color | borderTopColor |
border-top-style | borderTopStyle |
border-top-width | borderTopWidth |
border-width | borderWidth |
clear | clear |
clip | clip |
color | color |
cursor | cursor |
display | display |
filter | filter |
float | cssFloat |
font | font |
font-family | fontFamily |
font-size | fontSize |
font-variant | fontVariant |
font-weight | fontWeight |
height | height |
left | left |
letter-spacing | letterSpacing |
line-height | lineHeight |
list-style | listStyle |
list-style-image | listStyleImage |
list-style-position | listStylePosition |
list-style-type | listStyleType |
margin | margin |
margin-bottom | marginBottom |
margin-left | marginLeft |
margin-right | marginRight |
margin-top | marginTop |
overflow | overflow |
padding | padding |
padding-bottom | paddingBottom |
padding-left | paddingLeft |
padding-right | paddingRight |
padding-top | paddingTop |
page-break-after | pageBreakAfter |
page-break-before | pageBreakBefore |
position | position |
stroke-dasharray | strokeDasharray |
stroke-dashoffset | strokeDashoffset |
text-align | textAlign |
text-decoration | textDecoration |
text-indent | textIndent |
text-transform | textTransform |
top | top |
vertical-align | verticalAlign |
visibility | visibility |
width | width |
z-index | zIndex |
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