CSS Properties Reference

Common CSS Properties Reference

The following is a basic list of the most common CSS properties with the equivalent of the DOM notation which is usually accessed from JavaScript:

Note: This list is incomplete. For more CSS properties see The main CSS reference and Mozilla CSS Extensions. The reference articles also include examples on how to use all the properties.

CSS JavaScript
background background
background-attachment backgroundAttachment
background-color backgroundColor
background-image backgroundImage
background-position backgroundPosition
background-repeat backgroundRepeat
border border
border-bottom borderBottom
border-bottom-color borderBottomColor
border-bottom-style borderBottomStyle
border-bottom-width borderBottomWidth
border-color borderColor
border-left borderLeft
border-left-color borderLeftColor
border-left-style borderLeftStyle
border-left-width borderLeftWidth
border-right borderRight
border-right-color borderRightColor
border-right-style borderRightStyle
border-right-width borderRightWidth
border-style borderStyle
border-top borderTop
border-top-color borderTopColor
border-top-style borderTopStyle
border-top-width borderTopWidth
border-width borderWidth
clear clear
clip clip
color color
cursor cursor
display display
filter filter
float cssFloat
font font
font-family fontFamily
font-size fontSize
font-variant fontVariant
font-weight fontWeight
height height
left left
letter-spacing letterSpacing
line-height lineHeight
list-style listStyle
list-style-image listStyleImage
list-style-position listStylePosition
list-style-type listStyleType
margin margin
margin-bottom marginBottom
margin-left marginLeft
margin-right marginRight
margin-top marginTop
overflow overflow
padding padding
padding-bottom paddingBottom
padding-left paddingLeft
padding-right paddingRight
padding-top paddingTop
page-break-after pageBreakAfter
page-break-before pageBreakBefore
position position
stroke-dasharray strokeDasharray
stroke-dashoffset strokeDashoffset
text-align textAlign
text-decoration textDecoration
text-indent textIndent
text-transform textTransform
top top
vertical-align verticalAlign
visibility visibility
width width
z-index zIndex

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