dellemc.openmanage.ome_application_network_address – Updates the network configuration on OpenManage Enterprise
This plugin is part of the dellemc.openmanage collection (version 3.6.0).
You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible
package. It is not included in ansible-core
. To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install dellemc.openmanage
To use it in a playbook, specify: dellemc.openmanage.ome_application_network_address
New in version 2.1.0: of dellemc.openmanage
- This module allows the configuration of a DNS and an IPV4 or IPV6 network on OpenManage Enterprise.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
- python >= 2.7.5
Parameter | Choices/Defaults | Comments | |
dns_configuration dictionary | Domain Name System(DNS) settings. | ||
dns_domain_name string | Static DNS domain name This is applicable when use_dhcp_for_dns_domain_name is false. | ||
dns_name string | DNS name for hostname
This is applicable when register_with_dns is true. | ||
register_with_dns boolean |
| Register/Unregister dns_name on the DNS Server. This option cannot be updated if vLAN configuration changes. | |
use_dhcp_for_dns_domain_name boolean |
| Get the dns_domain_name using a DHCP server. | |
enable_nic boolean |
| Enable or disable Network Interface Card (NIC) configuration. | |
hostname string / required | OpenManage Enterprise or OpenManage Enterprise Modular IP address or hostname. | ||
interface_name string | If there are multiple interfaces, network configuration changes can be applied to a single interface using the interface name of the NIC. If this option is not specified, Primary interface is chosen by default. | ||
ipv4_configuration dictionary | IPv4 network configuration.
Warning Ensure that you have an alternate interface to access OpenManage Enterprise as these options can change the current IPv4 address for hostname. | ||
enable boolean / required |
| Enable or disable access to the network using IPv4. | |
enable_dhcp boolean |
| Enable or disable the automatic request to get an IPv4 address from the IPv4 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server If enable_dhcp option is true, OpenManage Enterprise retrieves the IP configuration—IPv4 address, subnet mask, and gateway from a DHCP server on the existing network. | |
static_alternate_dns_server string | Static IPv4 DNS alternate server This option is applicable when use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names is false. | ||
static_gateway string | Static IPv4 gateway address This option is applicable when enable_dhcp is false. | ||
static_ip_address string | Static IPv4 address This option is applicable when enable_dhcp is false. | ||
static_preferred_dns_server string | Static IPv4 DNS preferred server This option is applicable when use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names is false. | ||
static_subnet_mask string | Static IPv4 subnet mask address This option is applicable when enable_dhcp is false. | ||
use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names boolean |
| This option allows to automatically request and obtain a DNS server IPv4 address from the DHCP server. This option is applicable when enable_dhcp is true. | |
ipv6_configuration dictionary | IPv6 network configuration.
Warning Ensure that you have an alternate interface to access OpenManage Enterprise as these options can change the current IPv6 address for hostname. | ||
enable boolean / required |
| Enable or disable access to the network using the IPv6. | |
enable_auto_configuration boolean |
| Enable or disable the automatic request to get an IPv6 address from the IPv6 DHCP server or router advertisements(RA) If enable_auto_configuration is true, OME retrieves IP configuration-IPv6 address, prefix, and gateway, from a DHCPv6 server on the existing network | |
static_alternate_dns_server string | Static IPv6 DNS alternate server This option is applicable when use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names is false. | ||
static_gateway string | Static IPv6 gateway address This option is applicable when enable_auto_configuration is false. | ||
static_ip_address string | Static IPv6 address This option is applicable when enable_auto_configuration is false. | ||
static_preferred_dns_server string | Static IPv6 DNS preferred server This option is applicable when use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names is false. | ||
static_prefix_length integer | Static IPv6 prefix length This option is applicable when enable_auto_configuration is false. | ||
use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names boolean |
| This option allows to automatically request and obtain a DNS server IPv6 address from the DHCP server. This option is applicable when enable_auto_configuration is true | |
management_vlan dictionary | vLAN configuration. These settings are applicable for OpenManage Enterprise Modular. | ||
enable_vlan boolean / required |
| Enable or disable vLAN for management. The vLAN configuration cannot be updated if the register_with_dns field under dns_configuration is true.
WARNING Ensure that the network cable is plugged to the correct port after the vLAN configuration changes have been made. If not, the configuration change may not be effective. | |
vlan_id integer | vLAN ID. This option is applicable when enable_vlan is true. | ||
password string / required | OpenManage Enterprise or OpenManage Enterprise Modular password. | ||
port integer | Default: 443 | OpenManage Enterprise or OpenManage Enterprise Modular HTTPS port. | |
reboot_delay integer | The time in seconds, after which settings are applied. This option is not mandatory. | ||
username string / required | OpenManage Enterprise or OpenManage Enterprise Modular username. |
- The configuration changes can only be applied to one interface at a time.
- The system management consoles might be unreachable for some time after the configuration changes are applied.
- This module does not support
--- - name: IPv4 network configuration for primary interface dellemc.openmanage.ome_application_network_address: hostname: "" username: "username" password: "password" enable_nic: true ipv4_configuration: enable: true enable_dhcp: false static_ip_address: static_subnet_mask: static_gateway: use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names: false static_preferred_dns_server: static_alternate_dns_server: reboot_delay: 5 - name: IPv6 network configuration for primary interface dellemc.openmanage.ome_application_network_address: hostname: "" username: "username" password: "password" ipv6_configuration: enable: true enable_auto_configuration: true static_ip_address: 2626:f2f2:f081:9:1c1c:f1f1:4747:1 static_prefix_length: 10 static_gateway: 2626:f2f2:f081:9:1c1c:f1f1:4747:2 use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names: true static_preferred_dns_server: 2626:f2f2:f081:9:1c1c:f1f1:4747:3 static_alternate_dns_server: 2626:f2f2:f081:9:1c1c:f1f1:4747:4 - name: Management vLAN configuration for primary interface dellemc.openmanage.ome_application_network_address: hostname: "" username: "username" password: "password" management_vlan: enable_vlan: true vlan_id: 3344 dns_configuration: register_with_dns: false reboot_delay: 1 - name: DNS settings dellemc.openmanage.ome_application_network_address: hostname: "" username: "username" password: "password" ipv4_configuration: enable: true use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names: false static_preferred_dns_server: static_alternate_dns_server: dns_configuration: register_with_dns: true use_dhcp_for_dns_domain_name: false dns_name: "MX-SVCTAG" dns_domain_name: "dnslocaldomain" - name: Disbale nic interface eth1 dellemc.openmanage.ome_application_network_address: hostname: "" username: "username" password: "password" enable_nic: false interface_name: eth1 - name: Complete network settings for interface eth1 dellemc.openmanage.ome_application_network_address: hostname: "" username: "username" password: "password" enable_nic: true interface_name: eth1 ipv4_configuration: enable: true enable_dhcp: false static_ip_address: static_subnet_mask: static_gateway: use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names: false static_preferred_dns_server: static_alternate_dns_server: ipv6_configuration: enable: true enable_auto_configuration: true static_ip_address: 2626:f2f2:f081:9:1c1c:f1f1:4747:1 static_prefix_length: 10 static_gateway: ffff::2607:f2b1:f081:9 use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names: true static_preferred_dns_server: 2626:f2f2:f081:9:1c1c:f1f1:4747:3 static_alternate_dns_server: 2626:f2f2:f081:9:1c1c:f1f1:4747:4 dns_configuration: register_with_dns: true use_dhcp_for_dns_domain_name: false dns_name: "MX-SVCTAG" dns_domain_name: "dnslocaldomain" reboot_delay: 5
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key | Returned | Description |
error_info dictionary | on HTTP error | Details of the HTTP error. Sample: {'error': {'@Message.ExtendedInfo': [{'Message': 'Unable to update the address configuration because a dependent field is missing for Use DHCP for DNS Domain Name, Enable DHCP for ipv4 or Enable Autoconfig for ipv6 settings for valid configuration .', 'MessageArgs': ['Use DHCP for DNS Domain Name, Enable DHCP for ipv4 or Enable Autoconfig for ipv6 settings for valid configuration'], 'MessageId': 'CAPP1304', 'RelatedProperties': [], 'Resolution': 'Make sure that all dependent fields contain valid content and retry the operation.', 'Severity': 'Critical'}], 'code': 'Base.1.0.GeneralError', 'message': 'A general error has occurred. See ExtendedInfo for more information.'}} |
job_info dictionary | on success | Details of the job to update in case OME version is >= 3.3. Sample: {'Builtin': False, 'CreatedBy': 'system', 'Editable': True, 'EndTime': None, 'Id': 14902, 'JobDescription': 'Generic OME runtime task', 'JobName': 'OMERealtime_Task', 'JobStatus': {'Id': 2080, 'Name': 'New'}, 'JobType': {'Id': 207, 'Internal': True, 'Name': 'OMERealtime_Task'}, 'LastRun': None, 'LastRunStatus': {'Id': 2080, 'Name': 'New'}, 'NextRun': None, 'Params': [{'JobId': 14902, 'Key': 'Nmcli_Update', 'Value': '{"interfaceName":"eth0","profileName":"eth0","enableNIC":true, "ipv4Configuration":{"enable":true,"enableDHCP":true,"staticIPAddress":"", "staticSubnetMask":"","staticGateway":"","useDHCPForDNSServerNames":true, "staticPreferredDNSServer":"","staticAlternateDNSServer":""}, "ipv6Configuration":{"enable":false,"enableAutoConfiguration":true,"staticIPAddress":"", "staticPrefixLength":0,"staticGateway":"","useDHCPForDNSServerNames":false, "staticPreferredDNSServer":"","staticAlternateDNSServer":""}, "managementVLAN":{"enableVLAN":false,"id":0},"dnsConfiguration":{"registerWithDNS":false, "dnsName":"","useDHCPForDNSDomainName":false,"dnsDomainName":"","fqdndomainName":"", "ipv4CurrentPreferredDNSServer":"","ipv4CurrentAlternateDNSServer":"", "ipv6CurrentPreferredDNSServer":"","ipv6CurrentAlternateDNSServer":""}, "currentSettings":{"ipv4Address":[],"ipv4Gateway":"","ipv4Dns":[],"ipv4Domain":"", "ipv6Address":[],"ipv6LinkLocalAddress":"","ipv6Gateway":"","ipv6Dns":[], "ipv6Domain":""},"delay":0,"primaryInterface":true,"modifiedConfigs":{}}'}], 'Schedule': 'startnow', 'StartTime': None, 'State': 'Enabled', 'Targets': [], 'UpdatedBy': None, 'Visible': True} |
msg string | always | Overall status of the network address configuration change. Sample: Successfully updated network address configuration |
network_configuration dictionary | on success | Updated application network address configuration. Sample: {'Delay': 0, 'DnsConfiguration': {'DnsDomainName': '', 'DnsName': 'MX-SVCTAG', 'RegisterWithDNS': False, 'UseDHCPForDNSDomainName': True}, 'EnableNIC': True, 'InterfaceName': 'eth0', 'Ipv4Configuration': {'Enable': True, 'EnableDHCP': False, 'StaticAlternateDNSServer': '', 'StaticGateway': '', 'StaticIPAddress': '', 'StaticPreferredDNSServer': '', 'StaticSubnetMask': '', 'UseDHCPForDNSServerNames': False}, 'Ipv6Configuration': {'Enable': True, 'EnableAutoConfiguration': True, 'StaticAlternateDNSServer': '', 'StaticGateway': '', 'StaticIPAddress': '', 'StaticPreferredDNSServer': '', 'StaticPrefixLength': 0, 'UseDHCPForDNSServerNames': True}, 'ManagementVLAN': {'EnableVLAN': False, 'Id': 1}, 'PrimaryInterface': True} |
- Jagadeesh N V(@jagadeeshnv)
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2021 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.