A Char represents a 32-bit Unicode code point.
It is typically created with a char literal by enclosing an UTF-8 character in single quotes.
A backslash denotes a special character, which can either be a named escape sequence or a numerical representation of a unicode codepoint.
Available escape sequences:
'\'' # single quote
'\\' # backslash
'\a' # alert
'\b' # backspace
'\e' # escape
'\f' # form feed
'\n' # newline
'\r' # carriage return
'\t' # tab
'\v' # vertical tab
'\0' # null character
'\uFFFF' # hexadecimal unicode character
'\u{10FFFF}' # hexadecimal unicode character
A backslash followed by a u
denotes a unicode codepoint. It can either be followed by exactly four hexadecimal characters representing the unicode bytes (\u0000
to \uFFFF
) or a number of one to six hexadecimal characters wrapped in curly braces (\u{0}
to \u{10FFFF}
'\u0041' # => 'A'
'\u{41}' # => 'A'
'\u{1F52E}' # => '🔮'
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all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this workby associating CC0 with it.