class HTTP::Server
A concurrent HTTP server implementation.
A server is initialized with a handler chain responsible for processing each incoming request.
require "http/server" server = do |context| context.response.content_type = "text/plain" context.response.print "Hello world!" end address = server.bind_tcp 8080 puts "Listening on http://#{address}" server.listen
Request processing
The handler chain receives an instance of HTTP::Server::Context
that holds the HTTP::Request
to process and a HTTP::Server::Response
which it can configure and write to.
Each connection is processed concurrently in a separate Fiber
and can handle multiple subsequent requests-response cycles with connection keep-alive.
Handler chain
The handler given to a server can simply be a block that receives an HTTP::Server::Context
, or it can be an instance of HTTP::Handler
. An HTTP::Handler
has a #next
method to forward processing to the next handler in the chain.
For example, an initial handler might handle exceptions raised from subsequent handlers and return a 500 Server Error
status (see HTTP::ErrorHandler
). The next handler might log all incoming requests (see HTTP::LogHandler
). And the final handler deals with routing and application logic.
require "http/server" server =[,,,"."), ]) server.bind_tcp "", 8080 server.listen
Response object
The HTTP::Server::Response
object has status
and headers
properties that can be configured before writing the response body. Once any response output has been written, changing the status
and headers
properties has no effect.
The HTTP::Server::Response
is a write-only IO
, so all IO
methods are available on it for sending the response body.
Binding to sockets
The server can be bound to one or more server sockets (see #bind
Supported types:
- TCP socket:
- TCP socket with TLS/SSL:
- Unix socket
#bind(uri : URI)
and #bind(uri : String)
parse socket configuration for one of these types from an URI
. This can be useful for injecting plain text configuration values.
Each of these methods returns the Socket::Address
that was added to this server.
require "http/server" server = do |context| context.response.content_type = "text/plain" context.response.print "Hello world!" end address = server.bind_tcp "", 8080 puts "Listening on http://#{address}" server.listen
It is also possible to bind a generic Socket::Server
using #bind(socket : Socket::Server)
which can be used for custom network protocol configurations.
Server loop
After defining all server sockets to listen to, the server can be started by calling #listen
. This call blocks until the server is closed.
A server can be closed by calling #close
. This closes the server sockets and stops processing any new requests, even on connections with keep-alive enabled. Currently processing requests are not interrupted but also not waited for. In order to give them some grace period for finishing, the calling context can add a timeout like sleep 10.seconds
after #listen
Reusing connections
The request processor supports reusing a connection for subsequent requests. This is used by default for HTTP/1.1 or when requested by the Connection: keep-alive
header. This is signalled by this header being set on the HTTP::Server::Response
when it's passed into the handler chain.
If in the handler chain this header is overridden to Connection: close
, then the connection will not be reused after the request has been processed.
Reusing the connection also requires that the request body (if present) is entirely consumed in the handler chain. Otherwise the connection will be closed.
Defined in:
Constant Summary
- Log =
- .new(handlers : Array(HTTP::Handler), &handler : HTTP::Handler::HandlerProc) : self
Creates a new HTTP server with a handler chain constructed from the handlers array and the given block.
- .new(&handler : HTTP::Handler::HandlerProc) : self
Creates a new HTTP server with the given block as handler.
- .new(handlers : Array(HTTP::Handler)) : self
Creates a new HTTP server with the handlers array as handler chain.
- .new(handler : HTTP::Handler | HTTP::Handler::HandlerProc)
Creates a new HTTP server with the given handler.
Class Method Summary
- .build_middleware(handlers, last_handler : Context -> ? = nil)
Builds all handlers as the middleware for
Instance Method Summary
- #addresses : Array(Socket::Address)
- #bind(uri : String) : Socket::Address
Parses a socket configuration from uri and adds it to this server.
- #bind(uri : URI) : Socket::Address
Parses a socket configuration from uri and adds it to this server.
- #bind(socket : Socket::Server) : Nil
Adds a
socket to this server. - #bind_tcp(host : String, port : Int32, reuse_port : Bool = false) : Socket::IPAddress
Creates a
listening onhost:port
and adds it as a socket, returning the local address and port the server listens on. - #bind_tcp(port : Int32, reuse_port : Bool = false) : Socket::IPAddress
Creates a
listening on127.0.0.1:port
and adds it as a socket, returning the local address and port the server listens on. - #bind_tcp(address : Socket::IPAddress, reuse_port : Bool = false) : Socket::IPAddress
Creates a
listening on address and adds it as a socket, returning the local address and port the server listens on. - #bind_tls(host : String, port : Int32, context : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Server, reuse_port : Bool = false) : Socket::IPAddress
Creates an
and adds it as a socket. - #bind_tls(host : String, context : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Server) : Socket::IPAddress
Creates an
and adds it as a socket. - #bind_tls(address : Socket::IPAddress, context : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Server) : Socket::IPAddress
Creates an
and adds it as a socket. - #bind_unix(path : String) : Socket::UNIXAddress
Creates a
bound to path and adds it as a socket. - #bind_unix(address : Socket::UNIXAddress) : Socket::UNIXAddress
Creates a
bound to address and adds it as a socket. - #bind_unused_port(host : String = Socket::IPAddress::LOOPBACK, reuse_port : Bool = false) : Socket::IPAddress
Creates a
listening on an unused port and adds it as a socket. - #close : Nil
Gracefully terminates the server.
- #closed? : Bool
if this server is closed. - #each_address(&block : Socket::Address -> )
Enumerates all addresses this server is bound to.
- #listen(port : Int32, reuse_port : Bool = false)
Creates a
listening on127.0.0.1:port
, adds it as a socket and starts the server. - #listen(host : String, port : Int32, reuse_port : Bool = false)
Creates a
listening onhost:port
, adds it as a socket and starts the server. - #listen : Nil
Starts the server.
- #listening? : Bool
if this server is listening on its sockets. - #max_headers_size : Int32
Returns the maximum permitted combined size for the headers in an HTTP request.
- #max_headers_size=(size : Int32)
Sets the maximum permitted combined size for the headers in an HTTP request.
- #max_request_line_size : Int32
Returns the maximum permitted size for the request line in an HTTP request.
- #max_request_line_size=(size : Int32)
Sets the maximum permitted size for the request line in an HTTP request.
Instance methods inherited from class Reference
==(other : self)==(other : JSON::Any)
==(other : YAML::Any)
==(other) ==, dup dup, hash(hasher) hash, inspect(io : IO) : Nil inspect, object_id : UInt64 object_id, pretty_print(pp) : Nil pretty_print, same?(other : Reference) : Bool
same?(other : Nil) same?, to_s(io : IO) : Nil to_s
Constructor methods inherited from class Reference
new new Instance methods inherited from class Object
! : Bool !, !=(other) !=, !~(other) !~, ==(other) ==, ===(other : JSON::Any)===(other : YAML::Any)
===(other) ===, =~(other) =~, as(type : Class) as, as?(type : Class) as?, class class, dup dup, hash(hasher)
hash hash, in?(collection : Object) : Bool
in?(*values : Object) : Bool in?, inspect(io : IO) : Nil
inspect : String inspect, is_a?(type : Class) : Bool is_a?, itself itself, nil? : Bool nil?, not_nil! not_nil!, pretty_inspect(width = 79, newline = "\n", indent = 0) : String pretty_inspect, pretty_print(pp : PrettyPrint) : Nil pretty_print, responds_to?(name : Symbol) : Bool responds_to?, tap(&) tap, to_json(io : IO) : Nil
to_json : String to_json, to_pretty_json(indent : String = " ") : String
to_pretty_json(io : IO, indent : String = " ") : Nil to_pretty_json, to_s(io : IO) : Nil
to_s : String to_s, to_yaml(io : IO) : Nil
to_yaml : String to_yaml, try(&) try, unsafe_as(type : T.class) forall T unsafe_as
Class methods inherited from class Object
from_json(string_or_io, root : String)from_json(string_or_io) from_json, from_yaml(string_or_io : String | IO) from_yaml
Constructor Detail
def : Array(HTTP::Handler), &handler : HTTP::Handler::HandlerProc) : selfSource
Creates a new HTTP server with a handler chain constructed from the handlers array and the given block.
def : HTTP::Handler::HandlerProc) : selfSource
Creates a new HTTP server with the given block as handler.
def : Array(HTTP::Handler)) : selfSource
Creates a new HTTP server with the handlers array as handler chain.
def : HTTP::Handler | HTTP::Handler::HandlerProc)Source
Creates a new HTTP server with the given handler.
Class Method Detail
def self.build_middleware(handlers, last_handler : Context -> ? = nil)Source
Builds all handlers as the middleware for HTTP::Server
Instance Method Detail
def addresses : Array(Socket::Address)Source
def bind(uri : String) : Socket::AddressSource
Parses a socket configuration from uri and adds it to this server. Returns the effective address it is bound to.
require "http/server" server = { } server.bind("tcp://localhost:80") # =>"", 8080) server.bind("unix:///tmp/server.sock") # =>"/tmp/server.sock") server.bind("tls://") # =>"", 443)
def bind(uri : URI) : Socket::AddressSource
Parses a socket configuration from uri and adds it to this server. Returns the effective address it is bound to.
require "http/server" server = { } server.bind("tcp://localhost:80") # =>"", 8080) server.bind("unix:///tmp/server.sock") # =>"/tmp/server.sock") server.bind("tls://") # =>"", 443)
def bind(socket : Socket::Server) : NilSource
Adds a Socket::Server
socket to this server.
def bind_tcp(host : String, port : Int32, reuse_port : Bool = false) : Socket::IPAddressSource
Creates a TCPServer
listening on host:port
and adds it as a socket, returning the local address and port the server listens on.
require "http/server" server = { } server.bind_tcp("", 8080) # =>"", 8080)
If reuse_port is true
, it enables the SO_REUSEPORT
socket option, which allows multiple processes to bind to the same port.
def bind_tcp(port : Int32, reuse_port : Bool = false) : Socket::IPAddressSource
Creates a TCPServer
listening on
and adds it as a socket, returning the local address and port the server listens on.
require "http/server" server = { } server.bind_tcp(8080) # =>"", 8080)
If reuse_port is true
, it enables the SO_REUSEPORT
socket option, which allows multiple processes to bind to the same port.
def bind_tcp(address : Socket::IPAddress, reuse_port : Bool = false) : Socket::IPAddressSource
Creates a TCPServer
listening on address and adds it as a socket, returning the local address and port the server listens on.
require "http/server" server = { } server.bind_tcp("", 8080)) # =>"", 8080) server.bind_tcp("", 0)) # =>"", 35487)
If reuse_port is true
, it enables the SO_REUSEPORT
socket option, which allows multiple processes to bind to the same port.
def bind_tls(host : String, port : Int32, context : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Server, reuse_port : Bool = false) : Socket::IPAddressSource
Creates an OpenSSL::SSL::Server
and adds it as a socket.
The SSL server wraps a TCPServer
listening on host:port
require "http/server" server = { } context = context.certificate_chain = "openssl.crt" context.private_key = "openssl.key" server.bind_tls "", 8080, context
def bind_tls(host : String, context : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Server) : Socket::IPAddressSource
Creates an OpenSSL::SSL::Server
and adds it as a socket.
The SSL server wraps a TCPServer
listening on an unused port on host.
require "http/server" server = { } context = context.certificate_chain = "openssl.crt" context.private_key = "openssl.key" address = server.bind_tls "", context
def bind_tls(address : Socket::IPAddress, context : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Server) : Socket::IPAddressSource
Creates an OpenSSL::SSL::Server
and adds it as a socket.
The SSL server wraps a TCPServer
listening on an unused port on host.
require "http/server" server = { } context = context.certificate_chain = "openssl.crt" context.private_key = "openssl.key" address = server.bind_tls"", 8000), context
def bind_unix(path : String) : Socket::UNIXAddressSource
Creates a UNIXServer
bound to path and adds it as a socket.
require "http/server" server = { } server.bind_unix "/tmp/my-socket.sock"
def bind_unix(address : Socket::UNIXAddress) : Socket::UNIXAddressSource
Creates a UNIXServer
bound to address and adds it as a socket.
require "http/server" server = { } server.bind_unix("/tmp/my-socket.sock"))
def bind_unused_port(host : String = Socket::IPAddress::LOOPBACK, reuse_port : Bool = false) : Socket::IPAddressSource
Creates a TCPServer
listening on an unused port and adds it as a socket.
Returns the Socket::IPAddress
with the determined port number.
require "http/server" server = { } server.bind_unused_port # =>"", 12345)
def close : NilSource
Gracefully terminates the server. It will process currently accepted requests, but it won't accept new connections.
def each_address(&block : Socket::Address -> )Source
Enumerates all addresses this server is bound to.
def listen(port : Int32, reuse_port : Bool = false)Source
Creates a TCPServer
listening on
, adds it as a socket and starts the server. Blocks until the server is closed.
See #bind(port : Int32)
for details.
def listen(host : String, port : Int32, reuse_port : Bool = false)Source
Creates a TCPServer
listening on host:port
, adds it as a socket and starts the server. Blocks until the server is closed.
See #bind(host : String, port : Int32)
for details.
def max_headers_size : Int32Source
Returns the maximum permitted combined size for the headers in an HTTP request.
When parsing a request, the server keeps track of the amount of total bytes consumed for all headers (including line breaks). If combined byte size of all headers is larger than the permitted size, the server responds with the status code 432 Request Header Fields Too Large
def max_headers_size=(size : Int32)Source
Sets the maximum permitted combined size for the headers in an HTTP request.
def max_request_line_size : Int32Source
Returns the maximum permitted size for the request line in an HTTP request.
The request line is the first line of a request, consisting of method, resource and HTTP version and the delimiting line break. If the request line has a larger byte size than the permitted size, the server responds with the status code 414 URI Too Long
(see HTTP::Status::URI_TOO_LONG
def max_request_line_size=(size : Int32)Source
Sets the maximum permitted size for the request line in an HTTP request.
© 2012–2021 Manas Technology Solutions.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.