Class RequestHandlerComponent

Request object for handling alternative HTTP requests

Alternative HTTP requests can come from wireless units like mobile phones, palmtop computers, and the like. These units have no use for Ajax requests, and this Component can tell how Cake should respond to the different needs of a handheld computer and a desktop machine.

Extended by Component
Extended by RequestHandlerComponent
Package: Cake\Controller\Component
Copyright: Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: MIT License
Location: Cake/Controller/Component/RequestHandlerComponent.php

Properties summary

  • $_inputTypeMap protected

    A mapping between extensions and deserializers for request bodies of that type. By default only JSON and XML are mapped, use RequestHandlerComponent::addInputType()

  • $_renderType protected
    The template to use when rendering the given content type.
  • $_viewClassMap protected

    A mapping between type and viewClass By default only JSON and XML are mapped, use RequestHandlerComponent::viewClassMap()

  • $ajaxLayout public
    The layout that will be switched to for Ajax requests
  • $enabled public
    Determines whether or not callbacks will be fired on this component
  • $ext public
    Contains the file extension parsed out by the Router
  • $request public
    Holds the reference to Controller::$request
  • $response public
    Holds the reference to Controller::$response

Inherited Properties

Method Summary

  • __construct() public
    Constructor. Parses the accepted content types accepted by the client using HTTP_ACCEPT
  • _setExtension() protected

    Set the extension based on the accept headers. Compares the accepted types and configured extensions. If there is one common type, that is assigned as the ext/content type for the response. Type with the highest weight will be set. If the highest weight has more then one type matching the extensions, the order in which extensions are specified determines which type will be set.

  • accepts() public

    Determines which content types the client accepts. Acceptance is based on the file extension parsed by the Router (if present), and by the HTTP_ACCEPT header. Unlike CakeRequest::accepts() this method deals entirely with mapped content types.

  • Add a new mapped input type. Mapped input types are automatically converted by RequestHandlerComponent during the startup() callback.

  • Handles (fakes) redirects for Ajax requests using requestAction() Modifies the $_POST and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] to simulate a new GET request.

  • Checks if the response can be considered different according to the request headers, and the caching response headers. If it was not modified, then the render process is skipped. And the client will get a blank response with a "304 Not Modified" header.

  • convertXml() public

    Helper method to parse xml input data, due to lack of anonymous functions this lives here.

  • Gets Prototype version if call is Ajax, otherwise empty string. The Prototype library sets a special "Prototype version" HTTP header.

  • getClientIP() public
    Gets remote client IP
  • getReferer() public
    Gets the server name from which this request was referred
  • initialize() public

    Checks to see if a file extension has been parsed by the Router, or if the HTTP_ACCEPT_TYPE has matches only one content type with the supported extensions. If there is only one matching type between the supported content types & extensions, and the requested mime-types, RequestHandler::$ext is set to that value.

  • isAjax() public
    Returns true if the current HTTP request is Ajax, false otherwise
  • isAtom() public
    Returns true if the current call accepts an Atom response, false otherwise
  • isDelete() public
    Returns true if the current call a DELETE request
  • isFlash() public
    Returns true if the current HTTP request is coming from a Flash-based client
  • isGet() public
    Returns true if the current call a GET request
  • isMobile() public

    Returns true if user agent string matches a mobile web browser, or if the client accepts WAP content.

  • isPost() public
    Returns true if the current call a POST request
  • isPut() public
    Returns true if the current call a PUT request
  • isRss() public
    Returns true if the current call accepts an RSS response, false otherwise
  • isSSL() public
    Returns true if the current request is over HTTPS, false otherwise.
  • isWap() public
    Returns true if the client accepts WAP content
  • isXml() public
    Returns true if the current call accepts an XML response, false otherwise
  • mapAlias() public
    Maps a content type alias back to its mime-type(s)
  • mapType() public
    Maps a content-type back to an alias
  • prefers() public

    Determines which content-types the client prefers. If no parameters are given, the single content-type that the client most likely prefers is returned. If $type is an array, the first item in the array that the client accepts is returned. Preference is determined primarily by the file extension parsed by the Router if provided, and secondarily by the list of content-types provided in HTTP_ACCEPT.

  • renderAs() public
    Sets the layout and template paths for the content type defined by $type.
  • Determines the content type of the data the client has sent (i.e. in a POST request)
  • respondAs() public

    Sets the response header based on type map index name. This wraps several methods available on CakeResponse. It also allows you to use Content-Type aliases.

  • Returns the current response type (Content-type header), or null if not alias exists
  • setContent() public

    Adds/sets the Content-type(s) for the given name. This method allows content-types to be mapped to friendly aliases (or extensions), which allows RequestHandler to automatically respond to requests of that type in the startup method.

  • startup() public

    The startup method of the RequestHandler enables several automatic behaviors related to the detection of certain properties of the HTTP request, including:

  • Getter/setter for viewClassMap

Method Detail

__construct()source public

__construct( ComponentCollection $collection , array $settings array() )

Constructor. Parses the accepted content types accepted by the client using HTTP_ACCEPT


ComponentCollection $collection
ComponentCollection object.
array $settings optional array()
Array of settings.



_setExtension()source protected

_setExtension( )

Set the extension based on the accept headers. Compares the accepted types and configured extensions. If there is one common type, that is assigned as the ext/content type for the response. Type with the highest weight will be set. If the highest weight has more then one type matching the extensions, the order in which extensions are specified determines which type will be set.

If html is one of the preferred types, no content type will be set, this is to avoid issues with browsers that prefer html and several other content types.

accepts()source public

accepts( string|array $type null )

Determines which content types the client accepts. Acceptance is based on the file extension parsed by the Router (if present), and by the HTTP_ACCEPT header. Unlike CakeRequest::accepts() this method deals entirely with mapped content types.


$this->RequestHandler->accepts(array('xml', 'html', 'json'));

Returns true if the client accepts any of the supplied types.


Returns true if the client accepts xml.


string|array $type optional null

Can be null (or no parameter), a string type name, or an array of types



If null or no parameter is passed, returns an array of content types the client accepts. If a string is passed, returns true if the client accepts it. If an array is passed, returns true if the client accepts one or more elements in the array.



addInputType()source public

addInputType( string $type , array $handler )

Add a new mapped input type. Mapped input types are automatically converted by RequestHandlerComponent during the startup() callback.


string $type
The type alias being converted, ie. json
array $handler

The handler array for the type. The first index should be the handling callback, all other arguments should be additional parameters for the handler.



beforeRedirect()source public

beforeRedirect( Controller $controller , string|array $url , integer|array $status null , boolean $exit true )

Handles (fakes) redirects for Ajax requests using requestAction() Modifies the $_POST and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] to simulate a new GET request.


Controller $controller
A reference to the controller
string|array $url
A string or array containing the redirect location
integer|array $status optional null
HTTP Status for redirect
boolean $exit optional true
Whether to exit script, defaults to true.



beforeRender()source public

beforeRender( Controller $controller )

Checks if the response can be considered different according to the request headers, and the caching response headers. If it was not modified, then the render process is skipped. And the client will get a blank response with a "304 Not Modified" header.


Controller $controller
Controller instance.


False if the render process should be aborted.



convertXml()source public

convertXml( string $xml )

Helper method to parse xml input data, due to lack of anonymous functions this lives here.


string $xml
XML string.


Xml array data

getAjaxVersion()source public

getAjaxVersion( )

Gets Prototype version if call is Ajax, otherwise empty string. The Prototype library sets a special "Prototype version" HTTP header.


When Ajax the prototype version of component making the call otherwise false

getClientIP()source public

getClientIP( boolean $safe true )

Gets remote client IP


3.0.0 Use $this->request->clientIp() from your, controller instead.


boolean $safe optional true

Use safe = false when you think the user might manipulate their HTTP_CLIENT_IP header. Setting $safe = false will also look at HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR


Client IP address

getReferer()source public

getReferer( )

Gets the server name from which this request was referred


3.0.0 Use $this->request->referer() from your controller instead


Server address

initialize()source public

initialize( Controller $controller )

Checks to see if a file extension has been parsed by the Router, or if the HTTP_ACCEPT_TYPE has matches only one content type with the supported extensions. If there is only one matching type between the supported content types & extensions, and the requested mime-types, RequestHandler::$ext is set to that value.


Controller $controller
A reference to the controller





isAjax()source public

isAjax( )

Returns true if the current HTTP request is Ajax, false otherwise


3.0.0 Use $this->request->is('ajax') instead.


True if call is Ajax

isAtom()source public

isAtom( )

Returns true if the current call accepts an Atom response, false otherwise


True if client accepts an RSS response

isDelete()source public

isDelete( )

Returns true if the current call a DELETE request


3.0.0 Use $this->request->is('delete'); from your controller.


True if call is a DELETE

isFlash()source public

isFlash( )

Returns true if the current HTTP request is coming from a Flash-based client


3.0.0 Use $this->request->is('flash') instead.


True if call is from Flash

isGet()source public

isGet( )

Returns true if the current call a GET request


3.0.0 Use $this->request->is('get'); from your controller.


True if call is a GET

isMobile()source public

isMobile( )

Returns true if user agent string matches a mobile web browser, or if the client accepts WAP content.


True if user agent is a mobile web browser

isPost()source public

isPost( )

Returns true if the current call a POST request


3.0.0 Use $this->request->is('post'); from your controller.


True if call is a POST

isPut()source public

isPut( )

Returns true if the current call a PUT request


3.0.0 Use $this->request->is('put'); from your controller.


True if call is a PUT

isRss()source public

isRss( )

Returns true if the current call accepts an RSS response, false otherwise


True if client accepts an RSS response

isSSL()source public

isSSL( )

Returns true if the current request is over HTTPS, false otherwise.


3.0.0 Use $this->request->is('ssl') instead.


True if call is over HTTPS

isWap()source public

isWap( )

Returns true if the client accepts WAP content



isXml()source public

isXml( )

Returns true if the current call accepts an XML response, false otherwise


True if client accepts an XML response

mapAlias()source public

mapAlias( string|array $alias )

Maps a content type alias back to its mime-type(s)


string|array $alias
String alias to convert back into a content type. Or an array of aliases to map.



Null on an undefined alias. String value of the mapped alias type. If an alias maps to more than one content type, the first one will be returned.

mapType()source public

mapType( string|array $cType )

Maps a content-type back to an alias


3.0.0 Use $this->response->mapType() in your controller instead.


string|array $cType
Either a string content type to map, or an array of types.


Aliases for the types provided.

prefers()source public

prefers( string|array $type null )

Determines which content-types the client prefers. If no parameters are given, the single content-type that the client most likely prefers is returned. If $type is an array, the first item in the array that the client accepts is returned. Preference is determined primarily by the file extension parsed by the Router if provided, and secondarily by the list of content-types provided in HTTP_ACCEPT.


string|array $type optional null

An optional array of 'friendly' content-type names, i.e. 'html', 'xml', 'js', etc.



If $type is null or not provided, the first content-type in the list, based on preference, is returned. If a single type is provided a boolean will be returned if that type is preferred. If an array of types are provided then the first preferred type is returned. If no type is provided the first preferred type is returned.



renderAs()source public

renderAs( Controller $controller , string $type , array $options array() )

Sets the layout and template paths for the content type defined by $type.


Render the response as an 'ajax' response.

$this->RequestHandler->renderAs($this, 'ajax');

Render the response as an xml file and force the result as a file download.

$this->RequestHandler->renderAs($this, 'xml', array('attachment' => 'myfile.xml');


Controller $controller
A reference to a controller object
string $type
Type of response to send (e.g: 'ajax')
array $options optional array()
Array of options to use



requestedWith()source public

requestedWith( string|array $type null )

Determines the content type of the data the client has sent (i.e. in a POST request)


string|array $type optional null
Can be null (or no parameter), a string type name, or an array of types



If a single type is supplied a boolean will be returned. If no type is provided The mapped value of CONTENT_TYPE will be returned. If an array is supplied the first type in the request content type will be returned.

respondAs()source public

respondAs( string|array $type , array $options array() )

Sets the response header based on type map index name. This wraps several methods available on CakeResponse. It also allows you to use Content-Type aliases.


string|array $type

Friendly type name, i.e. 'html' or 'xml', or a full content-type, like 'application/x-shockwave'.

array $options optional array()

If $type is a friendly type name that is associated with more than one type of content, $index is used to select which content-type to use.



Returns false if the friendly type name given in $type does not exist in the type map, or if the Content-type header has already been set by this method.



responseType()source public

responseType( )

Returns the current response type (Content-type header), or null if not alias exists



A string content type alias, or raw content type if no alias map exists, otherwise null

setContent()source public

setContent( string $name , string|array $type null )

Adds/sets the Content-type(s) for the given name. This method allows content-types to be mapped to friendly aliases (or extensions), which allows RequestHandler to automatically respond to requests of that type in the startup method.


3.0.0 Use $this->response->type() instead.


string $name
The name of the Content-type, i.e. "html", "xml", "css"
string|array $type optional null

The Content-type or array of Content-types assigned to the name, i.e. "text/html", or "application/xml"

startup()source public

startup( Controller $controller )

The startup method of the RequestHandler enables several automatic behaviors related to the detection of certain properties of the HTTP request, including:

  • Disabling layout rendering for Ajax requests (based on the HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH header)
  • If Router::parseExtensions() is enabled, the layout and template type are switched based on the parsed extension or Accept-Type header. For example, if controller/action.xml is requested, the view path becomes app/View/Controller/xml/action.ctp. Also if controller/action is requested with Accept-Type: application/xml in the headers the view path will become app/View/Controller/xml/action.ctp. Layout and template types will only switch to mime-types recognized by CakeResponse. If you need to declare additional mime-types, you can do so using CakeResponse::type() in your controllers beforeFilter() method.
  • If a helper with the same name as the extension exists, it is added to the controller.
  • If the extension is of a type that RequestHandler understands, it will set that Content-type in the response header.
  • If the XML data is POSTed, the data is parsed into an XML object, which is assigned to the $data property of the controller, which can then be saved to a model object.


Controller $controller
A reference to the controller



viewClassMap()source public

viewClassMap( array|string $type null , array $viewClass null )

Getter/setter for viewClassMap


array|string $type optional null
The type string or array with format array('type' => 'viewClass') to map one or more
array $viewClass optional null
The viewClass to be used for the type without View appended


Returns viewClass when only string $type is set, else array with viewClassMap

Methods inherited from Component

__get()source public

__get( string $name )

Magic method for lazy loading $components.


string $name
Name of component to get.


A Component object or null.

shutdown()source public

shutdown( Controller $controller )

Called after Controller::render() and before the output is printed to the browser.


Controller $controller
Controller with components to shutdown


Methods inherited from CakeObject

_mergeVars()source protected

_mergeVars( array $properties , string $class , boolean $normalize true )

Merges this objects $property with the property in $class' definition. This classes value for the property will be merged on top of $class'

This provides some of the DRY magic CakePHP provides. If you want to shut it off, redefine this method as an empty function.


array $properties
The name of the properties to merge.
string $class
The class to merge the property with.
boolean $normalize optional true
Set to true to run the properties through Hash::normalize() before merging.

_set()source protected

_set( array $properties array() )

Allows setting of multiple properties of the object in a single line of code. Will only set properties that are part of a class declaration.


array $properties optional array()
An associative array containing properties and corresponding values.

_stop()source protected

_stop( integer|string $status 0 )

Stop execution of the current script. Wraps exit() making testing easier.


integer|string $status optional 0
see for values

dispatchMethod()source public

dispatchMethod( string $method , array $params array() )

Calls a method on this object with the given parameters. Provides an OO wrapper for call_user_func_array


string $method
Name of the method to call
array $params optional array()
Parameter list to use when calling $method


Returns the result of the method call

log()source public

log( string $msg , integer $type LOG_ERR , null|string|array $scope null )

Convenience method to write a message to CakeLog. See CakeLog::write() for more information on writing to logs.


string $msg
Log message
integer $type optional LOG_ERR
Error type constant. Defined in app/Config/core.php.
null|string|array $scope optional null

The scope(s) a log message is being created in. See CakeLog::config() for more information on logging scopes.


Success of log write

requestAction()source public

requestAction( string|array $url , array $extra array() )

Calls a controller's method from any location. Can be used to connect controllers together or tie plugins into a main application. requestAction can be used to return rendered views or fetch the return value from controller actions.

Under the hood this method uses Router::reverse() to convert the $url parameter into a string URL. You should use URL formats that are compatible with Router::reverse()

Passing POST and GET data

POST and GET data can be simulated in requestAction. Use $extra['url'] for GET data. The $extra['data'] parameter allows POST data simulation.


string|array $url

String or array-based URL. Unlike other URL arrays in CakePHP, this URL will not automatically handle passed and named arguments in the $url parameter.

array $extra optional array()

if array includes the key "return" it sets the AutoRender to true. Can also be used to submit GET/POST data, and named/passed arguments.



Boolean true or false on success/failure, or contents of rendered action if 'return' is set in $extra.

toString()source public

toString( )

CakeObject-to-string conversion. Each class can override this method as necessary.


The name of this class

Properties detail


protected array

A mapping between extensions and deserializers for request bodies of that type. By default only JSON and XML are mapped, use RequestHandlerComponent::addInputType()

    'json' => array('json_decode', true)


protected string

The template to use when rendering the given content type.



protected array

A mapping between type and viewClass By default only JSON and XML are mapped, use RequestHandlerComponent::viewClassMap()

    'json' => 'Json',
    'xml' => 'Xml'


public string

The layout that will be switched to for Ajax requests




public boolean

Determines whether or not callbacks will be fired on this component



public string

Contains the file extension parsed out by the Router




public CakeRequest

Holds the reference to Controller::$request


public CakeResponse

Holds the reference to Controller::$response

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Licensed under the MIT License.
CakePHP is a registered trademark of Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
We are not endorsed by or affiliated with CakePHP.